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Yusuke roamed the streets of Yongen-Jaya by himself, on the lookout for some form of inspiration.
He was beginning to give up hope (and get hungry) before he smelled a sweet aroma.
« Is that... Coffee? » He wondered, following the smell to its origin.
He approached a café with a sign that read « Café LeBlanc. »
« Looks like this is where my nose led me, hm? Curious, maybe I'll find inspiration here. » he thought before opening the door.
He was greeted by an elderly man and a boy with dark hair who looked around his age. He pulled out a barstool at the counter, by the coffee machine, and ordered a small cup. He looked around at the shop, taking in every detail thoughtfully.
He was looking at the varieties of beans behind the counter when he noticed the younger worker again. « Excuse me? » he called out to him.
The boy walked over with a polite smile. « Yes, sir? What can I do for you? »
« I was just wondering, could you tell me a bit about this place? I've come here to help with my passion. You see, I've been stuck in an art block for the past week and it's driving me quite insane. » 
The boy looked taken aback for a moment, then he excused himself for a moment. Yusuke nodded and waited patiently, sipping his coffee as he observed the other customer sitting at a table.
He came back with his apron off and sat next to Yusuke. « Sorry, my boss would get mad if I were talking on the job. » He laughed nervously. « More than a few words to a customer is enough to get me scolded. My name is Akira, what's yours? »
Yusuke smiled at the genuine compassion coming from someone his age. « Yusuke. Yusuke Kitagawa. »
« Well, Yusuke, to tell you the truth, I haven't been working here very long. I just moved here around a month ago. I do know that the man running this café, Sojiro, is very passionate about what he does and has been making coffee FOREVER! » he said, emphasizing the last word, making Yusuke chuckle.
They chatted until Yusuke finished his coffee and paid Sojiro.
« Well Akira, I'll be off now. » he said, starting for the exit.
« Wait! May I have your number so we can keep in touch? » Akira blurted before Yusuke could open he door.
Yusuke nodded and walked over to Akira who pulled out his phone for Yusuke to enter his number. He punched it in slowly and then handed the device back to Akira.
« Thank you! I'll keep in touch. Goodbye Yusuke! Come back soon. » he said, walking back to behind the counter to put his apron back on.
Yusuke grinned to himself and walked out the door. He had finally found a friend.
He walked back to Madarame's house and crawled into bed, his and Akira's conversation replaying in his head. He was half asleep when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.
« Silly me, what was I thinking? Sleeping in my clothes, that's not right. » he said, standing up and checking his phone while he pulled pajamas out.
Akira had texted! He only used his phone to contact Madarame and occasionally someone who wanted to buy his art. He felt the blood rush to his cheeks as he let the fact that he knew someone his age sink in. He responded and quickly changed clothes, hopping into bed again.
This time he actually fell asleep, thoughts of Akira in his head.

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