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Yusuke woke up in a cold sweat. He grabbed his phone frantically to check what time it was. « 4:40 am... What a crazy dream. » He was wide awake at this point, he didn't find it worthy of his time to try to fall back asleep.
« Akira is probably sleeping. What shall I do? » He muttered as he sat up and stretched.
He rubbed his eye and sighed. He grabbed his nearest sketchpad and stared out the window.
He sketched out the moon and stars, and began painting it with watercolor.
Before he could notice, it was already daytime. « 8am? My God, how did I let time slip from me like that? I did finish a nice painting of the moon, however. Hm... » He finally got out of bed and got dressed.
He greeted Madarame briefly before dashing out of the door, on his way to who knows where?
He made his way to a nearby park and sat down, setting his bag next to him on the empty space of the bench. Just as he took out his notepad to write about the sights, Akira texted. He smiled when he saw « Good morning! » It felt nice to know somebody thought of him when they woke up.
He quickly responded, and soon a conversation formed. Yusuke told Akira about his history with art and how he got started, and Akira opened up about why he moved. It was cathartic to both to be able to be honest.
Yusuke got a bright idea to ask Akira to meet him at the park. It was Sunday after all, he could make it, right? 
Akira agreed and promised to be there in less than twenty minutes.
He arrived and the boys made their way to each other. Akira idly chatted about the people he had met after moving here, but Yusuke couldn't focus. He was distracted by the realization of the other man's beauty.
« I'm sorry to interrupt, but may I draw you? »
Akira paused and turned to face Yusuke. « You want to draw me? Why? »
Yusuke chuckled softly. « I haven't done a portrait in God knows how long, and your face composition is pleasing to me. You have such a mysterious look, it's quite captivating. » He then realized what he said and began to blush. « Sorry , that must sound quite creepy. I just like to analyze people's facial features. »
« No, I feel quite complimented. » Akira said with a laugh. « Of course, you can draw me. I'd love to see myself in your style. » He smiled at Yusuke, and they just stared at each other for longer than a moment. Yusuke was the first to snap out of the trance.
« So, we'll have to schedule a time and place for me to actually work, but I suppose I can do a rough sketch at the moment. Please continue talking. » He said as he pulled out his sketchpad, fumbling with his bag to get out a pencil.
Akira felt nervous, but began talking about school. He mindlessly rambled his teachers and classmates, looking down every so often to see Yusuke's progress. Finally, Yusuke finished and looked up at Akira.
« It's done. » He said, turning the sketchpad around to reveal a gorgeous portrait of Akira. The lines were messy and there was no shading, but Akira blushed at the way Yusuke perceived him.
« It looks amazing, Yusuke! May I take a picture of this? » He asked, pulling his phone out. Yusuke humbly nodded. He knew he hadn't put his signature onto it, but he knew Akira wasn't an art thief.
They chatted briefly until Yusuke checked the time. « Oh no, Sensei will be expecting me soon. I deeply apologize, but I have to be going. » He said, packing up all of his supplies and standing up. Akira mumbled a quiet goodbye and watched the other man quickly walk away.
Akira walked to the station and took the train home, thinking about the picture. He couldn't believe someone would want to draw him, of all people. He smiled to himself, feeling confident.

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