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Yusuke finally arrived at home when Madarame stomped in, his face flushed with an angry expression.
« Sensei, I'm sorry for being l- » Yusuke began, but Madarame cut him off.
« Yusuke, I provide you with all of this. Housing, art supplies, hell, I even give you food! You're such a leech. You haven't given me ANY good work recently. You've been spending too much time outside! Go to your room and DON'T come out until you've made a masterpiece! No dinner tonight either! » Madarame screamed.
Yusuke hesitated but quickly nodded and ran off to his room. He shut the door quickly and slid to the floor. He hated when his Sensei was like this. He knew something had probably just pissed Madarame off or something, he had no reason to worry. After calming himself down to where he wasn't trembling anymore, he grabbed his nearest sketchpad. He hummed, his pencil gliding along the paper, not really thinking about what he was making.
When he was done, he took a breath and checked his phone. Akira had texted him twice, and he hadn't even cared to look. Yusuke sighed, feeling even worse than before.
Y: Sorry for the late reply. I've been busy. How are you?
A: Ah, about time!
A: No worries. I'm doing ok.
Y: That's good. I'm currently working on a piece, so I apologize in advance if I don't respond for a while.
Akira thought about what Yusuke could possibly be working on. It seemed like he never took breaks. He guessed the blue haired boy was just a really hard worker.
A: What are you working on now? Or is it a surprise?
Y: Something for school. Got to go.
Akira questioned the sudden goodbye, but knew he was probably just busy with the task at hand. He shrugged it off and put his phone away, grabbing a book.
Yusuke shoved his phone under his bed and looked up at his now open door, Madarame standing at the entrance. « Yes? »
Madarame looked down at his sketchpad. « Is this what you've been working on the past few hours? » Yusuke gulped and nodded.
« It's a work in progress, but yes. »
Madarame scoffed and glared at Yusuke with disgust in his eyes. « Not good enough. A child with crayons could do better than that. Give me something creative, eye catching, give me something NEW. »
Yusuke gave a weak smile and promised to give it his all. Madarame took another look around the room, spat on the sketchpad, and slammed the door.
Yusuke frowned, looking down at his now wet sketch. He was quite proud of it, too.
He got out a canvas and began painting a dragon, decorating it with the colors Madarame wore. He hoped his Sensei wouldn't notice the symbolism, but even if he did he'd probably take it as a compliment. He wiped his tears away every time the formed. He felt bad about being a disappointment to Madarame, but also to ignoring Akira.
He kept working, pouring all of his problems into the colors. He wondered what it'd be like if his parents hadn't have died. If Madarame never took him in. He really did owe it to Madarame. « I shouldn't be complaining. He's keeping me alive. » he sighed to himself as he set his brush down. It was already 2am. He decided he was at a good stopping point and changed into his pajamas.
He doubted Akira was awake, so he pulled out the sketch he did of him. He smiled and thought about what they would do together in the future. So many possibilities. He hugged the picture as he lied in bed, biting his lip to keep from crying again.
Everything was getting to him.

A/n: sorry for the shorter chapter, and sorry that it's sad,,, i promise ill make them happy together soon. Also the phantom thieves exist here too, its just a little different. Madarames palace will eventually show up probably after like two more of these kinds of chapters lol is it obvious im venting about past experiences OK SORRY FOR RAMBLING TY FOR READING

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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