Chapter 2

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"Wait! Jade!" I called behind her.


" Hunter okay with the Romeo and Juliet thing?"

"Who cares." She turned and walked away.

I went back into the change room and put on my cleats, then headed out to the field. "Great to have you back Aiden!" The coach called to me.

"Great to be back!"

I have to admit, I am the teachers pet.

"12 minute run boys! Wanna lead Tanner?" The coach asked me. I nodded. But to be honest, I hate running. I'm only good at it be cause of soccer. I took my position on the field and waited for the coach to tell us to start running. All the other boys lined up behind me. I prepared by stretching. I noticed my friend Emma sitting on the bleachers watching practice. I don't really see her during school much. We only have one class together, French. We also have different lunches. I walk home with her though.

The coach blew the whistle indicating for us to go. I started to run.

It had been 6 minutes and I was about to over lap everyone. I felt proud. I didn't work out or practice running for the time that I didn't come to practice, yet I could still over lap.

By the end of the 12 minutes I was sweating but I wasn't completely breathless. I took a drink out of my water bottle. I looked over to the bleachers and smiled at Emma. She smiled back.

"Okay boys! Let's get to the real practice. Get to goal Landon, we're gonna be taking shots!" The coach called out.

Landon ran to the net and put on his goal keeper gloves. The whole team lined up. At the front of the line, in front of me, stood the other captain. Jacob. "I see you're back." He said to me.


He set the soccer ball in front of him and kicked it. Landon nearly caught it, it went in. I was next. I smirked at Landon. He looked scared. I took a step back then ran to kick the ball. It hit the crossbar and went in, almost hitting Landon's head.


As soon as practice was over I ran to the change room and quickly showered and put on my clothes so Emma wouldn't have to wait long. I grabbed my cleats and my uniform and put it in my bag. I headed to the place where Emma and i always meet before walking home.

"Hey." She said to me.

"Hey." I hugged her.

"Nice kick."

"Aha, thanks." We started walking to the front of the school.

"Who are you partners with for the art thing?" She asked.





I burst out laughing. "I feel bad for you!"

"I feel bad for me too." She giggled.

The smell of a cigarette attacked my nose. I turned around, Jade was backed up against the wall with a cigarette in one hand and the other hand was around someone's neck, Hunter's neck. They were kissing. His hand slowly moved down to her butt. Then his hand started making it's way up her shirt.

"Jesus Christ." I mumbled loud enough for Hunter to hear.

He turned around, "well look who it is."

I stayed quiet.

"Quit dreaming. You're not gonna get any of her, in fact you're not gonna get any girl. You're Aiden Tanner for god's sake!" He laughed.

I came up with a lie without thinking, "I already have a girlfriend!"

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