mitsuba sousuke | believe

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Disclaimer :
Genre : angst
Character pairing : mitsuba sousuke x reader
Summary: believing is the source of life, she said.
Note  : i personally want to write every male character there is before moving and writing your requests. i want to write whats in my mind for them. Song doc based on my chorus school contest song 信じる. Meaning believe
Word count : 2080

"your wish?" the brunette asked, as he sat down on the hospital bed. he held his hat to his chest to be a bit more sentimental with the person he was talking to, giving a look of respect.

"i want to search for a tomorrow" she said as she rested her head on the pillow behind her.

-------------------- Before XX

You had always knew you were clingy. You had always knew it was a bad trait you had but alas here you were. In your third year in middle school. Alone in class as you sat there nothing to do but to just read your book.

However You weren't always alone.  ever since you had been separated with your friend. mitsuba sousuke . Everything had never felt the same before. You couldn't make a single friend while he was thriving with his basically new friends every week spree. He had no ill intentions but he just wanted you to be more independent with yourself. Stop relying on other people basically. He wanted you to grow up. But you know something else was up.

Puberty. Growing up theres always a thing where people said female and male friends won't stay together as friends for long. You'd guess  it got to him. He had always been shy when you got clingy to him on break or some other free time. He was very shy and you understood puberty got to him. But you had been friends with him since practically fetuses. You didn't think this puberty thing would stop you any way or another. he was also technically being a hypocrite, he couldn't make any kind of friends as well in elementary school. so you two were basically a nice match. but ever since he started, talking to a certain yellow haired boy. his social group immensely grew. thus here you were.

It was currently the middle of break. Most of your classmates went outside to play volley or soccer on the school field but you stayed inside. In the shade with probably the rest of the nerds who had no interest in wasting their energy just to have fun.

So you had decided to go to mitsuba's class as you knocked on the door. Asking one of his classmates to call for him as he responded with a grunt. His friends had teased him again. He was really shy about it.

He went up to the door to be meet with your little figure. As you wanted to start a conversation with him as you were met with the words

"Don't" he said. Cheeks were red as a tomato. He sounded annoyed. You were really hurt this time. It had been a few times with him pushing you away but you had always shrugged it away and kept on bothering him. It usually seemed to work but this time seemed different.

"Hey (n/n) could you stop talking to me" he said nervously. His intentions were still clear tho. 'Stop bothering me' but baby style.


"Just- just don't ok. I heard from the teachers you had no friends in class and if you keep on depending on me you might not be able to learn how to socialize properly" he confessed.

"But I only need you" you pouted. Leaving the rest of his friends teasing him from the back even more and making mitsuba even more flustered.

It was true. You had always depended on mitsuba too much, I mean you guys had been stuck with each other since kids And even though he never seemed to bother him it actually got to him this time. hypocrite move since he also  seemed to cling on kou.

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