Telepathic Thought log

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Hello, diary. My name is Ti, daughter of... I don't know. Well, Ti is my nickname. Yes. I am thinking onto your pages. you are a magic diary in the land of minecraftia after all. My real name is Tina. I am curious, stubborn, adventurous, and kind of temperamental. I have a youmine account called Dedlocks. (sry, I had to put that in, pls don't kill me!)My hair is black with purple highlights, and I have pale skin and purple eyes. I often wear black, purple, blue, and red.
I wasn't this way a few weeks ago, though. this me developed recently, and I have to say, the teachers at my orphanage aren't excited about it.
I used to be shy, timid, and quiet. I always studied, and I obeyed the rules of the school. I used to have pale brown hair that I pinned back from my face to show off my crimson eyes. I often wore green, turquoise, and pale blue.
Until one fateful day...
Le memory
I was climbing a tree on the edge of the forbidden lake. not for no reason of course. No, it was to help my friend, Skyla, get her cat. Anyway, the teachers told us to never go to the lake. that there was something horrible inside. Of course, people dared each other to jump in. they did. and never surfaced. I didn't know the branch I was climbing on was rotten, until the last moment. *snap, crack!* the branch snapped, leaving me and my friends cat, Luna, plummeting from at least 10 blocks up, screaming like the Nether, into the forbidden pond. I woke up to a massive headache. I forced my eyes open and gasped in shock. I wasn't in my bed at the orphanage. Rather, I was in a land with a pitch black sky, a pale peach stone for ground, and giant obsidian towers piercing the skyline.
"Obey your master"
A compelling voice said.
"Step forth"
I did so on instinct.
"Who am I?"
"You are Endscales, ruler of the end." I droned. That being is my master, I can feel it!
I kneeled.
"Once again, who am I?"
"You are Endscales, Master." my mouth moved without my consent.
"Come forth"
I walked forward, toward two glowing purple dots in the distance. I would know when I should stop. I glanced to the side, and saw luna. she looked the same as before, except she now stepped as if dazed.
"Now jump"
I leaned forward and started to fall into the void, until I felt a stinging pain in my arm. I then felt like I was floating. Master Endscales picked me up. His brought me to his home, a huge cave in the strange white stone. "Hopefully you will be more successful than your uncle" he grumbled before he went inside, put me down, and just before he disappeared, I saw him. Master Endscales was a dragon.
"Come, Ti. This cave" said a person in a purple cloak.
I would know that voice anywhere. it was Venette. my best friend until she fell in the lake. She was different though...
I confusedly walked forward, straight into the cave she gestured to.
A door slammed behind me, and that jolted me out of my trance. I felt a burning pain in my back, and I fell over.

Muahaha! I'm so mean. this chapter is over! Dragon wings for all of you!
OMG! 64 reads! I can't believe it!

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