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𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓﹙ 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆 ﹚࿐ ࿔ ✧˖*°▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

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﹙ 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆 ﹚
࿐ ࿔ ✧˖*°

She thought about him sometimes. The cerulean blue eyes, the soft lips, the strong grip, the way her name rolled off his tongue. She thought about him all the time, actually. Klaus. Niklaus. Nik. She thought about the way he held her, the way he whispered soft promises in her ear. He was all of her desires wrapped in one extravagant bow, and the worst part was... he was hers. Yes, he was hers. He belonged to her as much as he believed she belonged to him. She owned him. Everybody knew it. She knew it. He knew it. Rory had power over him, the ability to wrap him around her little finger like a ring... or... a pendant resting against her chest, chained securely around her neck. Even when she didn't know what he was, she knew him. Klaus was at her beck and call since the first time they met eyes, brown on blue, and the rest was history.

They had history. So much of it, spilling at the seams. Not even spilling, gushing. Buckets and buckets of history and tears and love and fighting and loyalty and love. Rory loves him so much. Loves. 730 days of not seeing him, not hearing his voice, not feeling his touch, and she still loves him. She wondered how it was possible. She was determined to forget him, to erase every trace of his hands and his mouth and his words on her heart, on her skin, on her neck, on her. She didn't want to remember him; she didn't want to remember how much she loved him and how she would've risked everything for him.

She lost everyone she loved and then she got Jeremy back. Jeremy was back, but she couldn't return to Mystic Falls. Not after... not after Katherine. She deserved what she got. Her ancestor was a cold-hearted, selfish bitch. But Rory couldn't help but feel guilty. She ruined Katherine's life. Not only that, she ended Katherine's life. Katherine turning back into a human had kickstarted the end of her days. Katherine died because Rory shoved the cure in her mouth, dislocated her jaw and left her unconscious in front of the ashes of her destroyed family home.

And then Rory ran like hell.

Because that was what Petrovas did. They ruined people's lives and then they ran. She stole the cure from under Rebekah's nose, stole the very chance she had at becoming a human and fulfilling her wish to start a family, and then gave it to her mortal enemy. She broke Klaus' heart and left him to pick up the pieces, standing in the empty room that belonged to her; that held her memories and smelled like her and enveloped him like a boa constructor strangling its prey. She betrayed Elijah, pretended to be his long love and then broke his heart after telling him that the Katerina he knew and loved killed her brother, broke his trust and didn't feel bad about it because that was just who Rory was. She was a Gilbert by name, but she was a Petrova by blood and that was all the doppelgangers knew how to do. Deceive, destroy, and run like hell.

Two years down the line and Mystic Falls was nothing but a distant memory. Good. Rory wanted this. Rory liked this. She received calls from Jeremy, but Elena and her had gone cold. Rory thought she could salvage the relationship she had with her sister, but it was clear that it wouldn't be happening. Not anytime soon, anyway. But both of them were vampires and forever is an awfully long time, and Jeremy is alive but he's still human and soon, Rory and Elena would be the only family they had left. The Gilbert twins would speak again, but maybe not in Jeremy's lifetime and maybe not in his kids' lifetime, but maybe in 100 years or two weeks from now or tomorrow. The world was unpredictable and big and... she'd really never know.

She called Dean Wesson 90 days after she left Mystic Falls, Virginia. She found herself in New York—she just had a thing for the big city, she realised—and remembered the crumpled-up piece of paper that she kept in her dresser. She pulled it out and dialled his number, almost expecting it to be discontinued or not working anymore, but Dean picked up and he was happy to hear from her. He had trouble putting together who she was, it had been a long time and she was sure she wasn't the only girl he gave his number to at a bar... but surprisingly, Dean knew exactly who she was after she mentioned her name and he called her angel face and she smiled for the first time in a long time.

They met up a few weeks after that in Chicago, where Dean was residing temporarily. He was still looking for his brother, Sam, and when he showed her his picture Rory's blood ran cold. Because Sam Wesson from Kansas was Sam from New York, the Sam that Rory tore into and left for dead. But Rory didn't have to bear the burden of guilt for long... because Sam was in Minnesota the whole time and he wasn't dead... but he was. Sam was like Rory. It turns out, Sam was a victim of a snatch-and-erase earlier that day. When Rory drained him, he died and came back to life as a vampire due to the vampire blood already in his system.

The same day Dean found Sam was the same day Rory learned that Dean was a hunter of people like her.

The reason he was a nomad and he didn't stick around in one place for long—something she found comforting and cool, because she, too, didn't like to stay in one place for too long—was because he was kicking supernatural ass and taking names. Sam was a hunter too before he turned. Rory didn't know how she didn't put the pieces together; Wesson was literally the name of a gun. Their father trained them as soldiers because they were soldiers. They were very known in the large hunter circle around the world, and Sam's transition into vampirism hadn't gone down quietly. Neither was the fact that it was discovered that Rory was the one that caused Sam to turn that one faithful night, and she was sure she had a bounty on her head.

But Dean couldn't kill Sam. He couldn't kill his brother and follow the hunter's code—to kill the monsters before they became it—because it was Sam. It was Dean's little brother, and Dean couldn't kill Rory because she was Rory. She had an angel face and when he pointed the barrel of the gun at her chest, she stared at him with pleading eyes but did not beg for her life. She was resigned to her fate just like Sam was and Dean couldn't do that to either of them. So he stashed his gun away and laid his hunter's badge down and he settled for a normal, apple-pie life with his vampire girlfriend and his vampire brother.

But see, the thing about normal is that it never lasts very long. Not when you know what lies underneath the veil; not when you live with monsters and myth and magic. Dean was a strong man, he hunted, and he killed beasts and he loved and loved and loved. Sam was his equal despite being younger in age; he was tall and fierce and his presence dominated every room he stayed in. And Rory was... she was Rory. The blood in her veins dated back two millennia, she had a face that haunted men and women and shattered family trees. Rory had found a small family within the two men, comfortable and quaint and good but... not quite there.

A trip to New Orleans made her realise that the Big Easy was both very big and not very easy at all.

A/N: the difficulty i had writing this chapter.... chile... anyways.

hope you enjoyed this cheesy ass summary 🤪 y'all know i love my dramatics so i had to do it to 'em. the story hasn't begun yet this was just an intro (sorta) so ya. hopefully y'all liked it and this wasn't just a huge ass cringe fest.

btw everyone: STAY SAFE!!! my country is officially on lockdown due to the covid-19 virus going on rn and it's really scary. please if you're feeling sick stay at home and take care of yourself. self-quarantine!! it's important!!! if not for you then for everyone else!!!

okay bye... and goodnight <3

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