Viva La Mexico

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I look around the western like buildings. The dirt under my feet flows around me as I walk. I can't believe they dragged me into this. They dragged me all the way to Mexico. I shouldn't even be here. I don't have control over my power yet. "You'll learn on the way" Stiles had said while he was begging me to come with. But I didn't learn. I don't even know what I am. All I know is that I can make things happen if my emotions are strong enough. Like when I'm angry, I set things on fire, when I'm upset storms stir above me.

"Hey, Savannah, you still with us or?" The voice of my weary brother enters my mind and pulls me straight out of my thoughts. Ever since this whole supernatural stuff thats been going on with me, he's been worried.

"Yes Stiles, I'm here." I reply with a reassuring smile. He exhales the fear from his body and returns his attention to Lydia. She seemed irritated and a bit worried.

"This doesn't look so bad." Stiles says rubbing his hands together.

"It's not the town, it's the plan." Lydia sassed looking between Stiles and I. He looks at her bewildered.

"Whats wrong with the plan?" He says confused.

"Stiles," She breathes out. "This is the stupidest plan we've ever come up with. You're aware of that right? "

"I'm aware that it's not our best." He agrees while putting his hand on her shoulder leading her behind me.

"We are going to die." She stutters while taking in the situation. I lead the two of them towards a our location, no longer following their bantering. They will always be my favorite couple. Even though they never dated. I like Malia, I do, but Lydia has been my friend for years, even before the whole supernatural stuff. Don't ask how I got so lucky to be friends with Lydia Martin, especially since I'm only a freshman, I just got lucky.

When we arrive to the building we were heading for. We stop and look at it. It's old and rusty with two men standing in front guarding the front entrance. Lydia says something to them in spanish, all I know is fiesta, party. The guy just gives her a smug look, not caring about what she said. Stiles then digs into his back pocket and pulls out the invitation card with the skull on it. Again the guys only give us a look and look up the camera above the massive doors. Stiles looks at the camera and raises the card. Suddenly the doors open and we walk in. We slowly make our way through a dim hall, the lights just barely illuminating the path. The hallway end with another huge door, shaking. We walk in just as the beat starts. All around us are dancing guys and girls. So many shirtless boys. My eyes start to wonder but I snap myself out of it. Focus on the task Vannah. No time for boys.

We make our way around the sweaty group of dancing teens and to the front bar. As we take a seat the bartender comes over to us dropping three shot glasses, filled with what I can only assume is Vodka. Before anything else could happen I leave the two of them to get into my mission spot.

I stand around for what seems like hours, waiting to see Kira, Scott, or even Malia. From the distance of where I stand I spot Scott. Red alpha eyes flashing. On the other side, on the dance floor, I see none other than Kira and Malia. Grinding on each other. I wish I had gotten the chance to dance a bit. I watch as Scott takes out one of the guards and picks up his walkie. I take that as my queue and stalk over to the other guard. I tap him on the shoulder and smile innocently at him. Before he can even understand what's going on, I conjure up all the anger in me and see flames building in the palm of my hand. I quickly put my hand on his neck until he finally passes out from the pain. I smile to myself. I controlled it.

The four of us meet at the entrance to another hall. We give each other resulting looks and continue to where Stiles and Lydia are. We cautiously look behind us with each step forward. Then from the ground smoke starts to eject. Then from the ceiling then from everywhere. I hear Scott mutter wolfsbane from his lips. Thankfully, for some reason, wolfsbane doesn't affect me. I stay alert as my friends cough and weekend at the scent. But then, came the guards. Many of them. It was hard to see and I couldn't take them all down myself. I turn to see one coming at me from behind, but before I have time to do anything, he takes the end of his gun and knocks me out.

The Witch Who Ran With Wolves (Liam Dunbar)// In Revision.Where stories live. Discover now