What did you do?

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Klaus POV

  I can't BELIEVE him! How could he do that to our own SISTER? To poor VANYA? She doesn't deserve this! No one deserves this.

  I can't stand the thought of Vanya being locked up all alone down there. I know how it feels to be isolated, alone, and afraid and I'm not about to let her go through that too.

  But I can't get her out of here on my own. Where would we go? What would we do? I can't drive and she's not in the condition to, and walking we wouldn't get very far before Luther found us.

  Diego. He's the only one around here that I truly trust. Besides, he seemed just as upset as I was to see what Luther had done to her; to see her cry and beg for our help.

  It's decided. I'll convince him and tonight we all get away from here.


  I tried to walk as casually as possible over to his room, but I was still incredibly fidgety. What if he won't agree? I'm not leaving her here!

  When I made it to Diego's door, I paused and peeked in to find him pacing, handsome face pinched in concentration.

  "Hey," his head snapped toward me, knife at the ready. Was he holding that before?

  "We can't leave her down there." To my surprise, he was the one to say that.

  "That's... Actually what I came here to talk to you about." He motioned me in and I closed the door behind me.


Vanya POV

  According to my watch, it was only 7pm. 4 hours since I've been forced to relive my childhood nightmare. 4 hours of being locked up, feeling like my whole family has turned on me.

  Suddenly, I saw shadows coming in from the window. I look up to find Diego and Klaus. What are they doing here? I stumbled to my feet just as the the door was pried open.

  "Wh-what?" I found my voice strained and it was hard to speak due to the hours of screaming and crying. I didn't mean it. I didn't MEAN it. I DIDN'T MEAN IT.

  "C'mon, we gotta go" Diego offered me his hand and helped me out of my own personal prison.

  Klaus looked me in the eyes and told me "We're gonna get you out of here, Van. You here me?" Why? Why are you helping me? "We're not leaving without you."

  We rushed to the elevator, with me leaning heavily against Diego. Maybe they haven't all turned against me.

  The elevator stopped and we got ready to make a run for the the front door. But when the doors opened, they reveilled none other than Allison. She looked surprised and... Sad? She held up her notebook that displayed one word...     Go.

  Before we could say anything in response, she was writing again.
I'll district Luther, GO.

  And suddenly she was walking away.

  "I'm sorry."

  And we were moving again.

  We made it to Diego's car, him in the driver's seat and Klaus climbing in back beside me. The only words spoken was Diego's soft "Buckle up."


We had been traveling for quite a while, only now stopping at a gas station. Diego filled up the tank while Klaus and I headed in the little corner market attached to the station.

  "I never asked, but where are we going?" Klaus stopped in his tracks.

  "I don't know..." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Somewhere where we won't have to face our fears on our own, where we can learn our new powers without judgment." And with that he walked off, leaving me with more questions than before. Our new powers? I guess I'm not the only one discovering more about themself. I shook off my questions in search of the bathroom. D- Monocle didn't think to add a bathroom to that... Chamber.


Somewhere where we won't have to face our fears on our own.

Somewhere safe.

(A/N): Hey guys, so that was the first chapter

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(A/N): Hey guys, so that was the first chapter. I got this idea like two hours ago and decided to make it a reality, cause why not, ya know?
PS: 699 words. Ha, nice.


Vanya, Klaus, & Diego (& Ben)Where stories live. Discover now