Chapter 62

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Jessica's POV
March 1st, 2024

You guys know what today is. It's Justin's 30th birthday. But not only is it Justin's birthday, it's Miabella's first birthday! I cannot believe she's already a year old.

Within this year, she's learned to say "Mama", "Dada", "Gamma" is what she calls Pattie, she calls my mom & dad "Nono" for Nonna or Nonno, then Jeremy is just "Papa". All she says for Fredo is "Dough" like, cookie dough, and she calls Layla "Lala". Oh! And my brother Derek is "Uncie". It's the cutest when she talks. She also says "No" and "Uh-oh!" a lot.

I'm currently making breakfast for the both of them, while they're still sleeping. Banana chocolate chip pancakes & sausage, and tofu sausage for myself. Justin & I have decided that we're not forcing my vegan lifestyle onto Mia. She eats Justin's stuff, but also mine. When she's older, she will decide for herself if she'll want to be vegan, or vegetarian, etc.

I hear Justin going into Mia's room. I start brewing his coffee for him so it's nice & hot when he comes down.

"Look, Mia! Mama's got breakfast made for us." Justin says to her, pointing to the stack of pancakes.

"Happy first birthday, baby!" I say to Mia. She just giggles. "And happy birthday, to my sexy husband." I say to Justin, kissing him.

"Thank you, baby."

"I got your coffee brewing, I'll finish it up in a second."

"You're the best."

"I know." I smile.

Justin sets Mia in her highchair, then grabbing her some breakfast & a fresh bottle of milk. I do still breastfeed a little bit, but I've been slowly weaning her off of it, and getting her to transition into regular milk.

After breakfast, we cleaned everything up & started setting up for Mia's party.

It's pink princess themed. Honestly, it's what I've dreamt my daughter's first birthday would be like.

Layla was a doll and picked up the cakes for us. Mia has her own little white and pink ombré cake, and the one for everyone else is basically a bigger version of hers, but with some chocolate on it.

Friend's and family had start to gather into the house and into the backyard for the party. Mia was enjoying her friend's from her play group she's in. I love seeing her happy.

We eventually had lunch then Mia opened her presents. She got lots of clothes & lots of Disney Princess toys. Layla got her, her first pair of little ballet slippers, and to be honest, I teared up. Eventually, Layla will teach Mia how to dance, and of course if Mia wants too, and right now, I think she will. She's always dancing whenever Justin & I have music on.

It came time to sing happy birthday & have cake. We have Mia set up on a white back drop with decor and her cake to get cute pictures, of course, taken by Fredo.

She was confused at first on what to do, but Justin being the dork he is, showed her exactly what to do. Mia was having so much fun shoving cake into her mouth, and also sharing it with Justin & I.

Slowly but surely, people started to clear out. Justin & I took Mia upstairs once everyone was gone to give her a bath & put her down for a nap. Our moms, Derek, Layla, & Fredo, stayed behind downstairs to help clean up.

"Mia, look what Aunt Jazzy got you! New bath toys!" Justin said excitedly to her, opening the package, as she sits in the tub full of bubbles. Mia just giggles as always.

I let her play with her new toys as I wash up all the cake & frosting.

Once she was all cleaned up, Justin took her into her room to get her dried off and dressed while I cleaned up the toys and drained the tub.

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