When souls collide

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Weeks passed in a blur of pain for the boy. He was forced to maintain the house, cook, clean and take care of himself. School officials came. They set up a web based program so Allen could attend classes online. Cross was the doting guardian the entire time.

As soon as they left he threw the plates on the floor smashing them. He yelled for Allen to bring him a drink and clean up the mess.

One day shortly after the beating Kanda and his father showed up. Cross greeted them at the door. He made Allen get back in his chair. The white haired boy had been in the middle of cleaning the bathroom. Allen slumped in the chair. He was exhausted. The pain from his various wounds draining him. Cross only gave him the pain meds at night.

Kanda came into say hi. Allen hardly looked at him. His father tried to sound cheerful. He told Allen his job would be waiting for him when he was better. Cross thanked him for that. They left a few minutes later. Allen never saw Lavi.

As the weeks ticked slowly by, he healed. One day about a month later, Allen was sweeping. He looked out the widow to see Kanda's truck parked down the street. He frowned. What was he doing here?

Allen tried to peer out the door to see where the boy was. He didn't want to open the door. He was afraid to face the boys. Not seeing him anywhere Allen went back to cleaning. After a few hours he forgot about seeing the truck.

The day wore on in its typical haze of pain for him. He was almost done with his chores. Cross would be home soon. Today was garbage day. Once Allen had the house cleaned. He took all the garbage to the cans.

It took him awhile. Although his ankle was healed, along with most of his face, he still had the cast. It still hurt to breath and move in certain ways. He opened the garage door with a button. Pulling one can he started the slow painful walk to the end of the driveway. He was gasping in pain halfway there and had to stop. Leaning on the can he gasped waiting for the pain to ease.

A hand shoved at his. Allen glanced up. Kanda stood there. He pulled the can away from the pale boy. Lavi was already dragging the other one down the drive. Allen leaned against a post as he watched them. They took the cans to the curb.

When they reached him again Allen watched them with tired eyes. “How are you doing, Allen?” Lavi asked. Allen gave him a small smile.

“Oh, still alive.” He joked.

Kanda tsked, not looking at him. The dark teen put his arm around him.

“Let's get you inside.” He said.

Carefully they walked inside. Once they sat at the table Allen tiredly looked at them.

“Why are you here?” he asked. Lavi glanced at Kanda.

“We've been watching you after school and weekends.” He began.

“He has always been here so we couldn’t do anything.” Kanda added.

“What time does he leave?” Lavi asked. Allen shrugged.

“It depends. Typically around seven at night, comes back around noon to pass out.” Allen looked out the window. He heard the tires in the drive.

“You have to go!” he cried.

The boys darted out the back door. A vague promise of return  hastily given encouragement to the boy.

Cross stormed into the house. He glared at Allen. “What are you up to?” he demanded.

Allen looked at him. He was leaning against the back door.

“I just got the garbage out.” He said drawing in a labored breath. “I was going to work on my homework.” He added. Cross snarled. He shoved past the wounded boy.

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