A Boy's day out

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Allen was surprised to find himself alone in bed. A wave of fear hit him as he bolted upright.

“Kanda, Lavi?” he screamed scrambling out of the bed.

His foot got caught in the blankets and he began to fall toward the floor. With a startled cry he threw his hands out. They never connected with the ground.

“What are you doing?” Kanda asked.

Catching him. Allen blinked at the handsome face so close to his own. His face flamed red.  He realized Kanda didn’t have a shirt on. Allen was holding onto his bare shoulders. The muscular arms bulging under his hands. He pushed himself back, but Kanda didn’t let go.

“Your foot is still tangled.” He said. Lavi came in the door from the hallway.

“Well this looks cozy.” He smirked.

He set the tray he was carrying down. He untangled the offending blanket from Allen. Once Allen was able to stand up, Kanda released him. He walked back into the bathroom. That was when Allen saw he had only a pale blue towel wrapped around his waist.

Lavi laughed. Allen snapped his mouth shut turning to look at him. The one eyed red head was still smiling.

“Like the view?” he asked. “Tall dark handsome and surely.” He said a bit louder.

“Shut up, dumb bunny!” Kanda's voice came from behind the closed bathroom door. Lavi laughed.

“You're just lucky he put the towel on.” He pointed out.

“Or unlucky.” Allen said.

He had sat down on the edge of the bed. Lavi had just set the tray across his lap. He busted out laughing hard at Allen's comment. Allen's face was as red as the comforter he was sitting on, as he grinned at the laughing boy.

“Do I even want to know?” Kanda asked coming back into the room.

He now wore black tight Jean’s. Allen swallowed at how they hugged his butt. He had a blank tank top on under an open blue button up shirt. The blue accented his eyes nicely. Allen took a large gulp of the milk on the tray.

“No, you really don’t. “ He said looking away from the dark teen.

Kanda harrumphed as he walked around the room. He looked in the closet. Snarling as he flipped through the small amount of clothing there. After a moment he came out of the closet with a shirt and pants over his arm. He stalked to the bed.

“These are the best clothes you have.” He held up a pair of straight legged blue jeans and a grey tank top. Allen was pretty sure that’s all he had that didn’t have holes in it. He waved a spoon at him.

“There is a blue hoodie in there that I wear with that.” He pointed out. Kanda tsked.

“It is bleached stained. I will get you one of mine.” With that he left to go back through the bathroom to his room.

“Hmm look at that, already dressing you in his clothes.” Lavi commented.

Allen didn’t say anything as he finished his breakfast. Lavi took the tray back to the kitchen as Kanda came back into the room.

“Good you're done eating. Go get in the shower.” He ordered.

Allen jumped up. In the bathroom he saw a sink, an octagon shower and a toilet. The lower half of the wall was chocolate colored tiles. The top half a creamy color wallpaper with golden swirls through it.

The mirror had a light around it and there were scone lights on each wall. It made for a very cozy setting. Allen turned the shower on.  He took his clothes off staring at his scarred body. He thought about the handsome Kanda. His perfect figure, perfect face and flawless skin. There was no way someone like that would like someone as ugly as Allen.

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