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It was Saturday morning, aka the morning of Prom. "Kanda you need to go to your parents house!" Allen cried shoving him out the door of the apartment.

"Why do you need all day to get ready?" Kanda demanded scowling at the little bean sprout.

"Just because." Allen slammed the door in his face. Kanda walked to his truck muttering. He got in and looked up at the bedroom window. It had been two months since he had moved in with Allen. A smile touched his lips. It had been two amazing months.

Allen was still a bit leery of sex with him. Kanda hadn't pushed him. It was frustrating and sometimes he had to leave and go for a walk after making out. If Allen was really upset thinking he made Kanda mad, Kanda would just take a cold shower then cuddle with him watching TV. One day the boy would see, he wasn't going anywhere, nor was he in a rush. Kanda didn't care if it took until their wedding day or five years later. He would still be there waiting.

He started the truck and backed out, just as a small blue Prius pulled in. Lenalee Lee. Kanda waved to the girl and drove off. Allen wanted a special day. He had refused to go tux shopping with Kanda, wanting them both to be surprised by the other. Kanda had left everything at his parents house. They found it simply adorable. Their reaction made Kanda want to gag, Allen's insistence of surprise made him love the boy more.

Lavi's beat up car was in the drive. The lanky teen stretched out on the hood. One arm tossed over his eyes, one leg dangling over the side of the fender. The other, clad in skin tight white jeans, bent up and tapping to a beat only he could hear. Kanda quietly shut the cab door.

He stalked up beside the teen. Lavi was singing softly, a song Kanda knew well since the teen constantly played it around him. Sexy, naughty bitchy, me. Kanda grabbed his shoulder while screaming as loud and evil sounding as he could. Lavi fell off of the car to the other boys amusement.

"What the hell, Kanda?" he cried shutting off his IPOD and taking the headphones out.

"What are you doing here, you dumb bunny?" Kanda asked offering him a hand up. Lavi took it. Kanda pulled him to his feet. He helped dust him off.

"I figured you got kicked out, with what Lenalee was telling me." He said.

"Are you guys dating?" Kanda asked leading the way inside.

"Nah, just friends." Lavi said swinging onto a barstool. Kanda pulled two cold sodas out from the fridge. He handed one to Lavi.

"But you're taking her to prom?" he asked. The two couples had split the price for a limo.

"Yeah. She wasn't interested in anyone else who asked her, and Allen got the only hot guy in school." Lavi teased.

"You would think, being bisexual, you would have better luck dating." Kanda teased him.

"One would think so." Lavi agreed with a laugh. "So, what are we going to do while the girls get ready?" he asked.

"Allen isn't a girl." Kanda stated.

"How about we play some video games?" he started to head up to his old room.

"Didn't you take that to your apartment?" Lavi asked.

"Damn." Kanda snorted. "Mall?" he asked

"Sure, you drive." Lavi agreed. They tossed their pop cans away and headed back to the truck. They went to the mall to do some window shopping and grab lunch.

"Lenalee!" Allen hugged her. She giggled hugging him back.

"How are you, Allen?" she asked.

"Good." Allen lead her into the bedroom. She set up her makeup kit.

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