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Hiccup was breathing heavily. He thought it was Ryo. It had to be Ryo.

Wasn't it?

The girl's gaze was wandering everywhere, on everyone. Except Hiccup. But he did see her face. And that was proof enough.

"Ryo?" He said louder.

She looked around faster until she saw Hiccup. Their eyes locked for what seemed like forever.

"Ryo?" He asked again.

"Hiccup?" She breathed.

Hiccup gasped and ran toward her. It was her. He was sure this time. "Ryo!"

"Hiccup!" She ran a little ways towards him, until he took her by her waist and swung her around. Ryo felt like she was flying again. With her own wings.

She laughed as he swung her around. Her hands were placed on his shoulders.

"Ryo! I can't believe it! It's you!"

Hiccup brought her back down and into a hug.

"Yeah I think it's me!" She laughed.

"I thought you were dead!" Hiccup said over her shoulder.

Ryo let go. "I thought you were dead!"

Hiccup hugged her tighter. But then he suddenly let her go. "Wait a minute," he touched his hand to his head. "You did die."

Ryo raised an eyebrow.

He shook his head. "I mean- you died! When I let you go! Erm, I mean YOU let go."

Ryo brushed her shoulder. "I didn't die. I fell."

Hiccup went silent. His eyes wandered. " your death!" He finished her sentence.

She laughed and pushed a loose strand of hair out of her face. "No, I fell into a cave. Just below the surface. I fell into a giant underwater lake. That's why I looked down. I heard the rushing water and I realized that by logic the only solution could be that there was an underground lake."

Hiccup was flustered. It was a lot to take in all at once. "But," he shook his finger thoughtfully and ran over to the crack in the ground where Ryo had fallen. She followed.

Hiccup bent down to try and listen for the water. He heard nothing.

Hiccup got back up. "I hear nothing." He said.

She laughed again. "I'm part dragon, remember? I have super hearing."

Hiccup laughed. "But there's still one thing on my mind; why did you think I was dead?"

"Well," she began. "When I fell into the water, it was very deep. So I had to keep swimming to try and find shore. It took me a while to get to the beach down there." She pointed toward the beach. "And when I got there, I ran out of the cave. And then I saw you. And Toothless! Falling. So I," she twirled her finger. "worked a little magic and saved you guys. Your mechanisms were broken and I fixed them for you."

"Okay," he said. "That explains that... But that still doesn't explain why you thought I had died."

Her eyes lit up. "Oh! Right. Well, I decided to hide on the beach until everything was... Well, better. And then Drago looked down. I could have sworn he saw me, so I retreated back to the cave." She looked down. Her wings bent down, indicating she was sad. "And... And when I looked back out... I only saw a blue fireball zooming past..." She looked back up. "And I thought it was aimed at you..."

Hiccup smiled. Ryo's eyes lit up again, and her wings perked. "How did you do that?!"

Hiccup chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I... May have... Merged Toothless' plasma blast and the Red Death's fireball to create an electric blast... With a hint of ice since the Bewilderbeast froze it."

She shook his arm. "That was AMAZING! Maybe you could show me how to do it!"

He laughed. "Yeah, I will! I just- I'm just glad you're back!" He swung her around again. Ryo loved it the feeling, no matter how much her wing hurt her.

He let her down again. "So, you knew you were going to fall into water,"

"Right." Ryo said.

"But... What you said before you fell..."

Ryo looked down. She then lifted her eyes back up. "Well, um, my ears can't pick up if there are rocks, so I didn't... I didn't know if I was going to-" Ryo was cut off. Hiccup had leaned in and kissed her mid-sentence.

Ryo's eyes widened. She was happy, but she was also resisting. She pushed herself away.

"Hiccup." She sighed. "But you, um." She slightly ticked her head towards Astrid, who was lost in the crowd.

Hiccup knew what she meant. He backed away. Ryo smiled and rubbed her arm. Everything was happy again.

Until Drago appeared from out of nowhere and held Ryo with a knife against her throat.

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