Chapter 1

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El Hopper looked around at her surroundings. She was standing on a beach, waves crashing in front of her and seagulls flying around. She saw a crowd of people there, laughing and having fun at the beach. She looked around some more and saw something in the distance, which prompted her to walk closer.

What she saw was a familiar man with his back facing towards her. El immediately recognized the white hair and stumbled back. He turned around and smiled at her, causing for chills to run up her spine. 

"Papa..." she whispered.

All of a sudden, the people on the beach disappeared, leaving just her and Dr. Brenner. "It's time for you to come home, Eleven," he said as he touched her face.

The sand then started to move on its own. El watched as the sand formed into the shape of a man, which roared at her. Then there was a black liquid that was coming out of the ocean, screeching at the top of its lungs.

El stepped back, which led for her to feel a hand on her shoulder. "El, what's wrong?" Peter asked her. She stared at him and jumped back when the black liquid jumped on Peter. She screamed and tried to help him get it off, but it formed all around him. He collapsed to the ground and looked up. His face looked more like a monster.

The creature smiled at El in a creepy manner before jumping at her.


El sat up in bed, breathing heavily and shaking. She put her head in her hands and rubbed her face, as an attempt to get her to calm down. She then tried to take deep breaths, but she couldn't. It was hard to breathe in that moment and she didn't know why.

All of a sudden, Peter barged into the room and immediately took notice of her and the state she was in. He wrapped his arms around her as she clutched onto him. "It's okay El," he reassured her. "It's okay. It's just me. You're okay and everyone is okay."

El nodded, but still felt like she couldn't breathe. "El, what are five things you see?" Peter asked her.

"You... the wall... my lamp... the door... my bed..." she replied.

"Good. Four things you can touch?"

"You... me... the bed... the blankets..."

"Alright. Three things you can hear?"

"You... me... talking downstairs..."

"Good job. Two things you can smell?"

"You... Eggos in the toaster downstairs..."

"Last one. One thing you can taste?"


El took deep breaths once more and calmed down. Peter sighed in relief, but kept holding her there for a few minutes. "Bad dream?" He asked her, receiving a nod in response. "Was it about Hopper again?"

"No," El replied. "He wasn't there, but Papa was. Two monsters as well. And you too. One of the monsters got you and you became a part of it."

"You want to talk about it, anymore?" Peter asked.

"No," El said, shaking her head.

After a few minutes, Carol came into the bedroom. "Hey kids," she said. "Eggos are ready downstairs whenever you're hungry. You alright, El?"

El nodded at her as she and Peter stood up. "I'm alright," she answered. "Just another bad dream."

Carol gave her a sympathetic smile. "We all get those," she said. "Now, let's go eat!"

The three of them went downstairs into the kitchen area of the compound. El and Peter have been living there for two months already and they were still getting used to the place. It was a bigger area than any of the places either of them had lived in before. It was easy to get lost in there if they didn't have FRIDAY to lead them to the rooms.

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