Chapter 4

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Peter and El boarded the Quinjet in the landing bay of the compound. El was wearing a new outfit that Peter had made for her a few days after they moved into the compound. It was a blue shirt with blue decals all over, added with a pair of baggy blue pants and blue suspenders. El wore it when fighting crime or going on missions with the Avengers.

Natasha was in the pilot's chair with T'Challa and Bucky sitting in chairs. El and Peter sat down next to each other as Nat took off. She went up into the sky while the four others held on tightly in order to not fall off.

El took out her blindfold and wrapped it around her eyes. She focused hard on the image of Tony Stark in order to find him. She opens her eyes and was once again surrounded by the black void and it's watery floors. She looked around for a bit until she saw something. It was some sort of pod that was opened up. El took a closer look and saw that it was Tony sticking out of the pod. She then tried to see where she was and came across an old sign on the ground, which she picked up and read aloud.

"Stark Industries," El spoke. "That's where he is."

Nat nodded and set course for the old Avengers tower while El took off her blindfold. They arrived above the old building and El and Peter stood up, ready to jump out of the Quinjet. 

"Remember," Nat instructed. "Get Tony and bring him here, preferably unconscious. Don't get caught by anyone else who could be in there. If anything goes wrong, call us and we'll come down and help. But only get Tony and get out of there as quick as you can."

"Got it," Peter said while El nodded. He put on his mask as El grabbed onto his waist. Peter then shot a web at the Quinjet's entrance and jumped down from there, landing on the roof of the old Stark Tower building.

El used her powers to unlock the door and go inside. It was dark inside the building, which was to be expected since it had been abandoned for years now. It hasn't been used ever since the Avengers moved out to the compound upstate after the Ultron Incident. 

The two siblings entered a room with a dim light on. It looked like an old lab with many cases inside and a bunch of science equipment. Peter walked up to one of the cases in the center of the room, which was covered by a white sheet. He pulled off the sheet and stared in confusion at a black liquid that was moving inside of a glass case.

"El, look at this," Peter motioned for her to come over. "What do you suppose this is?"

El stared at it, immediately recognizing it from her dream. "I've seen it before..." she whispered. "But I don't know what it is."

"Where have you seen it before?" Peter asked her, furrowing his eyebrows underneath his mask.

"In a dream," El simply said. "From this morning. That Sandman was there too and so was... so was Papa."

She didn't tell him that he was there, getting the black liquid on him.

"Has that ever happened before?" Peter asked. "Seeing things that could happen in a dream? Because Sandman and the black liquid are now here and they were in your dream."

El shook her head and turned around. She looked at the other cases that were sitting on a counter, which all looked to be about the same size. She pulled off one of the sheets and looked inside the case. There were a few spiders inside, either sticking to the wall or crawling on the ground. She then looked at the other cases and there were more spiders inside each one. Then she noticed that each spider had a number written on its back.

"Peter?" El called out to her brother. He looked at the cases and his eyes widened. "Why are all of these spiders here?"

"This is the same kind of spider that gave me my powers after it bit me," Peter told her. "Someone is trying to create something with these spiders. Why else would they be in here, a science lab of all places?"

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