Chapter 17

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As El was trying to calm Max down, Carol ran into the training room. Everyone looked at her, seeing that she looked worried. Something was happening. El wasn't sure if she could take anymore bad things happening tonight. Whatever this situation was, it wouldn't be good.

"Carol, what's going on?" Nat asked her, folding her arms over her chest.

"It's Tony," Carol told her. "He's not in his cell. We've looked everywhere and he's no where in the compound."

El furrowed her eyebrows, confused. "How could that have happened?" She questioned. "The cells are supposed to be secure and Tony didn't have his suit on."

"We should go check the security tapes," Bucky suggested. "Maybe that could help us find out where he could've gone and how he escaped."

"We have Ned going through the security tapes now," Carol said. "I just came down to bring you guys up."

"Let's go then," El said.

The group raced upstairs towards the main room. Ned was on a laptop, surrounded by the rest of the Avengers and the party. He was pressing a few buttons, going back to where Tony was last seen in his cell. The group watched the video, seeing Tony sitting in his cell. But then someone in all black entered the room and opened the cell.

Once the person turned to face the camera, everyone immediately recognized him. "It's Peter," Ned said, furrowing his eyebrows. "He let Stark out."

"What the hell?" MJ questioned, getting even more annoyed with her boyfriend. "Why the hell would he even do that?"

"Because of that suit," El replied, gritting her teeth. "We have to find him and Tony. And we have to get that suit off of him. It's making him do things that he would never do!"

"But El... knowing Peter and how much Tony meant to him..." Ned said. "I think he would still have let Tony out, even without the suit. He doesn't want to lose him a second time. I could tell when he told us what had to be done with him."

El sighed and looked down. "I get it, but there's nothing we can do," she told him. "We have to find him. And while looking, we'll try to find Billy too."

"Wait, Billy?" Dustin asked. "What's going on with him?"

"Something happened to him," Max explained. "He's not answering my texts when he normally would, especially since he wants me to come back to Hawkins with him. I'm really worried about him."

"And we'll find him, Max," El reassured her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I'll go out and try to look for him and Peter. He'll be okay, alright?"

Max bit her lip and nodded at her. "Thanks, El," she said with a small smile. El smiled back, squeezing her shoulder in reassurance.

"I'll go with you, El," MJ offered. "Peter's my boyfriend and I want to be able to kick his ass."

El chuckled at her. "Sure, you can come," she said. "You being there could probably help him get that suit off."

She and MJ then quickly got ready, with MJ putting on goggles and a mask over her face to cover her identity. The two girls then left the compound in search for Peter, Tony, and Billy.


"You sure you don't know any places that Peter likes to hang out in?" El asked.

"No. Most of the places we hang out in are public places, anyway," MJ replied. "Peter's smart. He wouldn't hide someone like Stark in a public area. But I don't know any private spots."

El and MJ were currently on a rooftop, looking out from it. They were hoping to see Peter swinging by or some sign on movement. Considering how it was the middle of the night, they knew any sort of movement could be something. But there was nothing. They kept moving rooftop to rooftop, but no sign of anything.

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