Chapter 3

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May 10, 2014

Those fucking brown eyes I've learned to hate with all my fucking guts. Why does he have to show up? Out of all people. My life has been almost perfect since he walked out of one year ago. Shit. Michael is going to meet this douche...

"Chery," Calum nodded at me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I growled, almost jumping up off the pavement at him, but Michael put his arm around my waist and stopped me. Calum shrugged, a smirk making its way to his face.

"It's no use, Chery," he whispered calmly, looking into my eyes. I started to protest, but Michael shushed me with a quick, soft kiss to my lips. I huffed, crossing my arms. Why the hell were Michael and I still around each other? It was supposed to be a one night stand! One night stands don't spend the morning in bed making love, to an extent, and then cuddling on pavement outside the pub they met as the dude fixes the girls flat tire!

I'm not complaining...

"Chery!" I heard Calum snap. I groaned, looking up at him.

"What?" I snapped back.

"Don't you want to know what I've been up to since you dumped me and left me to myself?"

"First of all, you cheated on me with my 15 year old sister when we were 18! Secondly, I didn't just 'leave you to yourself'! You had my sister and your family!" I almost screamed, making people stop walking on the sidewalks and look over at the commotion. Michael's fingers began to massage my side in a comforting manner, bringing me closer to him. We were now standing in front of Calum, my hand closed tightly in a fist.


"First of all, you cheated on me with my 15 year old sister when we were 18! Secondly, I didn't just 'leave you to yourself'! You had my sister and your family!" She almost screamed, causing people on the sidewalk to stop and stare at us. Chery was bloody hot when she was mad. She should get mad more often...After a few moments of Calum and Chery's heated banter, I felt her relax into my grip, my lips automatically going down to kiss her temple. She looked up at me and smiled, kissing me right under my jawline.

"Look how cute the couple is. How long have you two been together? Two weeks? One day?" Calum, the douche, scoffed. I already didn't like him and his cockiness. I looked down at Chery to see that she was blushing and that she had gotten even closer to me, if that was even possible.

"Go ahead. Kiss. Tell me his favourite colour. His sister's name. Everything. Just as if you guys hadn't had a one night stand!" Calum growled. She mumbled to herself, trying to come up with answers. This morning, after my wake up call, we had cuddled and as we were talking I told her I didn't have any siblings.

"He doesn't have any siblings, his favourite colour is green and his mom's name is Kathy!" she smiled, making something up. (A/N I know that's not Michael's mom's name!) I smiled, nodding down at her.


Calum stood there in stunned silence. I was thankful he didn't really know Michael's mom's name...

"Why did you even come bother me? Us?" I almost whispered. Calum's dark brown eyes stared back at me, not replying. I had hurt him when I left, but he had cheated and he had hurt me...Calum shook his head, his blonde highlights being pushed back as he raked his fingers through his hair. He also didn't have to act like a douche...

"Just forget it, Chery. Bye," he said, turning on the heel of his black converse and quickly walking away.

"I hate him so much!" I gritted through my teeth.

"Shh, it's alright," Michael whispered, pulling me to him and wrapping his arms around me.


I stared at Chery as she sat across from me at Starbucks and ordered a White Chocolate Mocha frappé. Her pink lips formed into a grin as she thanked the waitress. I couldn't get enough of her. It was weird. I had never been this way before. No, I wasn't in love, but I surely felt some connection.


As I ordered my frappé I could feel Michael's bright green eyes on me. And I didn't mind, I would by lying if I said I didn't like him...a lot...

Do you guys like how I change POVs or not? Idk...

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