Chapter 19:How I met your mother

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-Hunter's POV-

Ash was finally going to meet my mother.She pushed me against a wall and started to kiss me.Someone cleared thier throat.We both turned and there stood my mother.I set Ashlynn down and Ashlynn reddened."So,your my daughter-in -law?"Mother croons.Ashlynn nods."Your blonde."Mother says."It's dyed."I respond."Ms. Huntsman,I'm so glad to finally meet you.I'm Ashlynn,by the way."Ashlynn says,calmly."Ashlynn,how's your mother?"Mom sighs."Well,I invited her over to meet you as well.Please sit."Ashlynn asks.Cinderella burst through the door."Where's my favorite daughter and son-in-law?"Cinderella shouts."He's your only son in law."Ashlynn sighs.Cinderella plops down on Ashlynn's other side."Sup Hunter?"Cindrella asks."Nothing."I respond."Do you have any other sisters?"Mom asks Ash,completely ignoring Cinderella."Yeah,two.Sleeping Beauty daughter,Briar and Apple White."Ash anwsers."Um,hello.Bitch,I am queen,I am higher than you so don't ignore me you snooty ass! Your worse than Dexter!"Cindrella cries."Mother."Ashlynn growls."Your Cinderella?" Mother asks."Yeah,whats it to ya?"Cinderella huffs."This bitch is your mother?"Cinderella asks me.I nod."Your majesty,I didn't realize.Ashlynn,I'm sorry to ignore the fact that you are borne by royalty.Excuse me,but I have war plans to attend to.It was a pleasure your majesties.Hunter,hold onto this one."Mother says before leaving.Just great.

*Ashlynn's POV*

Mother puts her feet on the table and pulls out a cigar."Hunter,does that mean she likes me?"I ask.Hunter nods.I smile and snughle into his side.My mother passes out drunk on the floor."Great."I groan."Like mother,like daughter."Hunter laughs.I hit him.Yay! Now,I have to drag MY mother home.Sigh.


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