Chapter 65:Blame or Jealousy?

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*Ashlynn's POV*

I woke up to see Cerise next to Hnter on his other side.I got up and showered,when I got dressed I saw a large bruise looming on my forearm.I rubbed it and went downstairs.I sat in the study,confused.Then my vision went white again.(FLASHBACK,BITCHES!)I was about 14, the year Dexter had met and raped me.I looked out thewindow and saw a red cloak moving toward Hunter as he cleared his father's traps.I squinted and saw Hunter lightly kiss the red-hooded girl.Cerise.My vision went normal and I was fuming.Cerise came down the stairs and I shoved past her.I stopped at the infamous Ever After Hanging Tree Stump.Next to it was the huntsman's and my mother's graves,which I'd dug myself.I remembered his father snd my mother being so supportive of us.I thought back to True Hearts Day,the first time we'd both done it.There was no hesitation in how we both felt then.I knelt in front of my mother's grave and pulled out Holly's hunting knife.I slid it across my wrist,tearing my stitches.I felt the blood flow down mu hand onto her grave and I laughed.Cerise should've stayed away.

•Cerise's POV•

I was in town on a walk,when Hunter caught up to me."Where's Ashlynn?"Hunter cried as he looked around frantically.The tree.I started to walk towards the tree and Hunter followed.There was fresh blood on her mother's grave,but no Ashlynn.There was writing on the stump."You should've stayed on your side,bitch.You can't shock me into anything.-A".

I showed Hunter and he paled.Ashlynn appeared from behind a nearby tree and seductively sat on the stump.Hunter reddened."Why were you in his bed,Hood?"Ashlynn whispers,running her knife along my thorat."Lizzzie and Daring were doing something."I stutter."They weren't the only ones."Ashlynn sighs.I gasp in realization."I know,you two had a thing.Just give it up."Ashlynn warns,poising her knife at my thorat then throwing it at a bird,perfectly.She didn't rush to save it,she just smiled at it's pain."Who are you?"I cry,backing away."I'm the Huntress,I've changed honey.Maybe,you should grow up,you've gone soft."Ashlynn says,sweetly walking away.Hunter pales and falls to the ground.

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