•Chapter Six•

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Fake love


If he punched again his hand would bleed.


But who gives a fuck, they were furious. Jungkook's wolf growled, he growled with it.


Jimin, he cares, he would be worried. They signed. There was nothing they could do to simmer down the burning feeling that would eat them up eventually and they couldn't live with it, it was better than hurting Jimin. Leaning his head on the wet wall the only thing that made Jungkook cooled down was the hot water tracing his body, every droplet that touched his wet back and went running down his spine made the heated alpha calm, relaxed yet every darn time he would hear the muffled chuckles of the omega from across the room where he sat with another alpha, who is not Jungkook sent the boy in flames.

Jungkook lifted his head towards the shower and closed his eyes. Huffing out hot breaths, trying to block out anything that even relates to Jimin. The way he could be smiling and laughing with someone who was not him, the way he could be throwing himself as he laughs at someone who was not him, the way he could be looking at someone with all the care and affection in the world but that someone was not him. Jungkook can't remember that last time he was this frustrated after his rut, never did he feel this way, sometimes he thought Jimin was diligently making him feel this way, wanting to get away from him but Jungkook wasn't going to let him go, even if he had to use force, but again that would never happen. Jimin loves me, I'm special to him, I'm his baby boy.

Unaware of how Jungkook was doing or feeling Jimin chatted along with Taemin one of his closest friends and a Alpha even though he didn't look like one to others, and in Jungkook's logic the wolf's race Jimin can't hang around with as apparently Jungkook's the only Alpha allowed in his life. Jimin rolled his eyes as he remembered the conversation, Speaking of Jungkook "Jimin why do you still share an apartment with Jungkook? You're well capable of getting your own, why not just do it?" Jimin smiled at that question, they got it a lot, but coming from a very close friend like Taemin, it was surprising but before he could answer his friend's question he started to zone out thinking about Jungkook and his words from before... a big bad wolf is after you, reminiscing about those words made the tiny hairs of Jimin's body stand, why would he say such a thing in that timing-


Fuck. Jimin zoned out in the middle of their conversation thinking about Jungkook. This was embarrassing. "Huh. Ah~" Jimin blushed red, leaning on the couch "Sorry about that I kinda zoned out a bit" Jimin chuckled and all Taemin did was smirk "Did you zone out because of Jungkook?" Jimin was caught off guard "How-?" with his eyes brows knitted together he came closer to his friend, sitting up properly, "Your face says it all Jimin" Taemin smirked once again "How long have you been crushing over that boy for?" Another question was thrown at him, stupid stupid Jimin! Why didn't you just pretend to not know what he was talking about! Jimin was mentally cursing at himself and his mouth for being clumsy. Jimin started to shift from his position as the red on his cheeks remained.

"Liking someone is not a sin ya know" Jimin sighed, In my world it is. If only you knew. "Stop asking worthless questions" Jimin replied, there was no point in answering any of his questions because there were no short answers to them, Jimin needed to walk down memory lane to answer them and his brain has other plans "They are not worthless Jimin!? Have you ever tried to confess-"

"Confess to who?"

Jungkook voice came out a little too deep and sudden for Taemin to handle, as the boy flinched being startled by it, as for Jimin he didn't react one bit, stayed where he was at and only turned his face to meet the boy. Jungkook had only a towel wrapped around his waist bare chested standing there in all his glory and maybe that's why Jimin's eyes never moved from him, Jungkook is rarely shirtless but whenever he is, he knows the omega would be watching him, and now was no different this made the younger puff up his chest and walk over to them, his gaze never went to Taemin, it was almost like Taemin didn't exist in Jungkook's world, all he looked at and focused on was getting to Jimin, which he succeeded in. He took a seat on the couch, of course, close to Jimin, so close that Jimin's shirt got wet by Jungkook's soaked skin, but Jimin didn't mind that at all. And at the point, Taemin felt the tense sexual atmosphere.

"Who do you want to confess to Jimin?" Jungkook asked once again turning his face to Jimin, Jungkook's  tone and Jungkook's scent, sent the poor omega in a haze, honestly, Jungkook scent was so suffocating that it made Jimin loose all sense of reality. Jimin closed his eyes and took a deep breath, gently placing his hand on Jungkook's wet chest wanting to push him away but all his hand did there was stay.

"I should get going!"

Taemin announced in the middle of the couple's interaction before anything else could happen. Hearing that sudden outburst from his friend Jimin forced himself to get it together and at least send his friend away. "You should stay-" Firewood, forest and mint were the only things he thought off now, fuck Jeon Jungkook had engulfed Jimin from back. The dampness of the clothes and the irritation it gave was above the roof but it was Jungkook, he had his arms locked onto Jimin and his head at his usual spot, on Jimin's shoulder. It's been a while since Jimin's wolf purred.

"Or you can go. I-it's really up to you" Jimin corrected himself, staying at one place as a hunk of a man towered behind him holding the most unpleasant close to cynical smile on his face. Taemin shook his head a firm no, there was no way he was staying in that room, it stank of Jungkook and with a Jimin who adored Jungkook to the point it was abnormal and the sexual tension which was over the roof. Taemin decided he couldn't be a third wheel for a non-couple couple. "Yeah No. I'm gonna go" And like that Taemin left, out the door shutting it behind him, it was empty again, quite again, it was fine to lose himself in Jungkook's scent. Jimin got out of Jungkook's grip and went over to lock the door.

With that Jimin ran over to Jungkook only for him to be welcomed with open arms, stumbling back on the couch and back to their positions embracing, where they rested in each other presence. But not for Jungkook, he still didn't get his answer "Who do you want to confess to Minnie?" Jungkook asked once again lifting Jimin's face up by his chin and meeting his eyes "Tell me". So innocent, so young Jimin thought and couldn't help but smile "No one Kookie. No one" he answered truthfully but he knew Jungkook's wasn't convinced by the way he looked at him "Do you love someone?" Jungkook asked again making Jimin smile once more I did Jungkook but it wasn't returned "No. I don't love anyone"

"Why do I like hearing that?" Jungkook questioned cupping Jimin's cheeks with both his hands as he whined "Maybe you like seeing me lonely" Jimin reaches out and did the same, they smiled and they laughed. And that's how they spend the rest of their day, smiling and laughing.

As daylight turned to darkness and the stars came out, sweet sleep had taken over the two boys ever so quickly, or one of them at least. Jimin had been laying  wide awake next to Jungkook, staring at the man that is Jeon Jungkook and at that point Jimin thought about Jungkook's words once again.

"Do you love someone?" Oh Jungkook if only you knew how much I wanted you, how much of me I was willing to give to you... but you were young, so young that you didn't notice. It's not your fault though, I was dumb and stupid for loving you. Now I'm glad I'm over you, so glad, b-but it hurts me still knowing that you didn't love me back. But don't worry It's my fault, I grew a flower that can't bloom in a dream what won't come true.

Jimin reached out for Jungkook's hand and intertwined their fingers together, kissing the top of Jungkook's forehead and told himself This is the only way I can have you close to me. For you I'll pretend to be happy, for you I'll pretend to be strong. I won't change, I won't love. For you, for me, for us, I won't love you. With that Jimin brought Jungkook's hands towards him to press his lips against the back the alphas hand and run his tiny finger through his knuckles, closing his eyes shut Jimin wished and hoped to not remember anything about Jungkook's word ever again.

fake love started to play and I couldn't stop myself

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