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"Now, for the second favor..." Oikawa turned to Iwaizumi. "You're such a big tough guy, so how about I get to call you Iwa-chan! Your name is too long anyway, right?"

Iwa-chan, formerly known as Iwaizumi, simply stared.

"Iwa-chan?" Oikawa asked.

"N-No way! Not on your life Shitty-kawa!" He spat out.

"Aw, now that was rude!" Oikawa pouted.

"Ch-ch...!" Makki and Mattsun were rolling on the ground at this point, and the commotion was attracting the attention of the officers and other recruits. 

"Men, what is going on over here?" one of the officers asked.

Makki snorted and doubled over in pain while trying to salute. Mattsun manages to stay upright, and addresses the officer "Sir, Mr. Oikawa was simply making a funny joke to Mr. Iwaizumi." before he collapsed in laughter.

"Y-Yeah Iwa-chan! Why don't you tell him what the joke was- AHAHAHAHA, HA, ha..." Makki managed from the ground.


"Iwa-chan~" Oikawa called. 

It was later that evening at supper. Iwaizumi was frustrated. Exhausted. Hungry. And angry at Oikawa for that stupid nickname. Iwa-chan. What kind of demon is a person to give someone at military bootcamp such a-a childish nickname.

"Hey Iwa. I was talking to you." Oikawa glared.

"What Trashy-kawa?" Iwaizumi snapped.

"Jeez Iwa-chan. I was just going to ask you how you think the officers are going to punish Makki and Mattsun for the 'disrespect shown to higher ranking officials' after the incident earlier today."

"Oh. Honestly, I think that you should be punished for that as well." remarked Iwaizumi.

"Hmph. I'm just too perfect to punish. Too beautiful to be mad at for long." Oikawa eyed Iwaizumi, "But of course you know this quite well..."


"Anyhoo, answer the question."

"Fine."  He growled, "I think that they're going to have to do double the exercises for the rest of the week."

"Hmm, maybe. But I think they'll be put on probation for two weeks, and are also responsible for the majority of the cleaning. Wanna make a bet?" He grinned slyly.

"Hmph. Sure, why not. What are we betting?" Iwa-chan asked.

"The nicknames. I notice you have developed a nasty habit of calling me Shitty-kawa, or Trashy-kawa, for example. So," he continued, "if I win, you stop that. If you win, I don't get the privilege of calling you Iwa-chan anymore."

Iwaizumi thought about it for a couple seconds. This is a great opportunity to lose the horrid name, however... I could also end up losing my greatest weapon against it... oh who cares. "And what if we both win?"

"Then it stays the same, or we can make minor changes, such as you can only say Trashy-kawa, Shitty is so vulgar, or I can only call you Iwa-chan when we're alone or with Makki and Mattsun."

"Fine then. I accept."

And they shook on it, both eagerly awaiting Makki and Mattsun's return.


The boys returned sometime around 11 o'clock. But what surprised them was what stood- rather lay- in the doorway. See, since it had been such a long day of work, Iwaizumi and Oikawa were both thoroughly exhausted. This caused them to fall asleep while standing. Originally, an unconscious Oikawa had leaned on Iwaizumi, who was half-asleep at the time. Later, when Iwaizumi was fully asleep, the two had kinda fell to the ground leaning against each other. 

Of course, Makki did the only logical thing at the moment: pull out the disposable camera he had secretly kept on his persona when he entered the camp, and photographed the scene. After hiding the camera, then they woke the pair up.

"What the... Aaah~" Oikawa yawned.

Iwa came to his senses first: "What the heck am I doing on the floor? Why am I leaning on Oikawa?! DID I FALL ASLEEP WITH THE ENEMY??"

"..." Makki and Mattsun just stared.

"Oh, Makki, you're back." Oikawa yawned again.

"I'm here too, you know..." Mattsun commented.

"Oh, sorry about that. Anyway, what's the verdict?" He asked.


Hello loves! I decided on the name Aki for my rabbit, it means autumn in Japanese. Sorry for being a little late with this... Anyway, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE! Luv ya!


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