You're Not Alone | Part 2

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Elsa and I have been getting closer day by day. We would talk for hours on end at the nearby cafe, and she would even invite me over to her apartment.

And those feelings that I've been keeping to myself in my heart have become so overwhelmingly strong that I can barely keep it to myself anymore.

"So, where do you wanna go now, Y/N?" Elsa asked as she sipped on her drink. We were seated at the familiar cafe, and I just realized that I had been lost in my own thoughts.

"Oh um, wherever you wanna go is fine by me." I grinned sheepishly, earning a giggle past her velvet red lips.

"How about the mall?"


We stood up and for some odd reason, she took my hand in hers. My breath hitched in my throat, and I hadn't even bothered to cough it back up.

She seemed indifferent about her flirtatious action. I raised an eyebrow before stifling a laugh, surprised by how clueless she is.

Day by day, she's been getting more... touchy and flirtatious with me.

She would say things like, "I'd rather be with you than stay at home alone," or "I wish I could date someone as perfect as you."

I was getting pretty suspicious, and the way that she would smirk and wink at me were the biggest red flags. Actually, not red flags. I wanted to date her and ask her out, but I was too afraid to get heart broken again. I was completely sure, however, that she wouldn't do something like that to me.

She knows how it feels to be betrayed.


She invited me over to her apartment once we finished our shopping. I didn't buy anything since I was so busy in my thoughts about Elsa.

She opened her door and a relieved sigh escaped her lips.

"I'm exhausted." She mumbled under her breath before slumping onto her couch. I smiled before noticing her stare that told me to sit beside her.

I pressed my lips together nervously before tasking the seat beside her. I rested my hands on the cushion, keeping my eyes on everything but her.

She suddenly placed her hand above mine, causing me to flinch a bit. Her brows furrowed as she analyzed my expression.

"What's up?" She asked softly while gazing into my eyes with her icy blue ones. I bit my lip to try to stop myself from saying something stupid.

My heart was beating so fast. The fluttering and turning in my stomach only intensified. My attraction towards this perfect woman was becoming dangerously strong.

Her kindness, her beauty, her gentleness, her heart, her smile, her touch, her everything, it all made me fall for her more and more.

And at this point I found myself completely torn between letting myself love her, or forcing myself to let her go.

She knew this feeling all too well, I'm sure.

I have always wondered if she felt the same.

But after what I did, I was sure to get an answer.

I pushed her shoulders against the couch, pressing my lips onto her velvet red ones. I could hear her let out a grunt of confusion before falling into my grip.

And the most amazing thing that I've ever experienced in my life, happened.

Instead of pushing me away, she tilted her head and glued her gentle hands onto my neck.

She began to graze her tongue across my bottom lip, and a muffled whimper crawled out of my throat.

This was truly amazing.

I smiled into the kiss before finally pulling away and leaning my forehead against hers.

"Oh my god." I sighed out between breaths. Her expression seemed just as shocked as mine. Her lips were slightly parted and her perfect red lipstick was smeared the slightest bit under her lip.

"You read my mind." She breathed out before a relieved smile spread across her parted lips.

We stayed there, my body hovering above hers and her hands still gripping onto my neck.

Two broken people, finding happiness and love in one another. We've been the only ones who have been helping each other cope with the others' problems. I never would've imagined something like this to ever happen.

Without thinking, I crashing my lips back onto her incredibly soft ones, earning a low moan from the blonde beauty beneath me.

She parted her lips and allowed my tongue to graze the tip of hers, earning yet another delicious moan.

I pulled away and sat up, allowing her to sit back up beneath me. The room was filled with the sounds of our heavy breaths as we just stared at each other with both longing and disbelief.

"I-I.... I like you, Elsa." I finally managed to say. I watched as her shocked expression lifted into an excited and relieved one.

"Guess you're not the only one, huh? I like you too, Y/N." She spoke softly before tucking a strand of her platinum blonde hair behind her ear.

And all I could think about was how this amazing journey, from telling each other our dark stories, to finding love, could be any more perfect.

I took a deep breath before using all the courage that I had been granted from our heated kiss.

"Dang it... I really like you!" I mumbled before yelling it. I covered my mouth with my hand as I watched Elsa giggle feverishly.

"Mm, really? Because I love you." She smirked and a tint of pink spread across her pale cheeks.

How could this moment get any better? Really, it really can't.

I sighed in relief before pulling her into a warm embrace, quickly feeling her arms wrap around my back.

"I love you too, Elsa." I whispered into her platinum blonde hair. She hummed happily before pulling away and connecting our lips into yet another kiss.

I love this woman, I really do.

And if she ever broke my heart, which I doubt one hundred percent, then I wouldn't hesitate for a second to chase after her again.

Because unlike the others, Elsa would never leave me alone in the darkness.

A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry for all of these author's notes, but this one is really important. Along with all of my Elsa x Fem!Reader fanfics, I'm thinking of making another oneshot book, but with a variety of Yuri(genre) ships(such as anime, manga, etc). One of my favs is Mei and Yuzu from Citrus, so if you guys have any other ships you guys want to see, then I'd appreciate if you commented if you liked this idea or not. If majority says yes, then I would put the book up as quick as I can so you guys can comment your requests for oneshots. Anyways, thank you for reading and stay safe! ❤️

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