Can't Escape My CEO | Part 1

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I thanked the cab driver before walking out of the car and standing dumbfounded in front of my new work place.

This place is huge.

My mouth hung open in awe at the building. It has to be at least 100 stories. I gulped in anticipation before walking into the building. The lobby was extremely modernized that it felt like I was in a whole other era.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the soft voice of the receptionist. "Hello, may I help you?"

I slowly walked up to the desk with a nervous smile. "Uh, I'm a new employee." She raised an eyebrow as she raised her wrist up to look at her watch.

"Um, you're late."

My eyes widened and a wave of panic struck my body hard. She sighed before looking back at the computer.

"What's your name?" I cleared my throat before responding.

"Y-Y/N. Y/N,S/N." She nodded as she typed and searched through the list. "Alright, go up to the top floor. The CEO has asked to meet you."

My eyes widened from that word. The CEO? They're going to kill me. I bit my lip nervously with a nod before starting to walk towards the elevator, but I was stopped with the receptionist's voice.

"My name is Anna. Welcome to the company." She spoke sternly and softly all at once with a welcoming smile. My breath hitched in my throat as I tried to reply.

"N-Nice to meet you. And thank you." I gave her one nod before rushing into the elevator. I tapped the button with the largest number, which happened to be 100.


Finally, the anticipation ended as the elevator opened to a large room. There were countless amounts of desks, that I started to get a bit nervous. But everyone seemed so busy at work that no one even looked my way.

But all the way to the side, was the CEO's room. It was significantly bigger than all the other work areas, which was understandable. My heart felt as if it would beat out of my chest. I took a deep breath before forcing my hand to knock on the door. Then, a voice spoke from inside the room.

"Who is it?"

Oh my god. The voice sounded so indifferent and cold, that it sent shivers down my spine.

"M-My name is Y/N. I'm a new employee." I could hear an audible sigh before the voice spoke up again.

"Come in." I took a deep breath, which felt like it would've been my last. I slowly opened the knob and poked my head through the door.

And as I did, I was immediately met with her eyes. My eyes widened as I quickly realized her expression, but I wasn't nervous.

I was lovestruck.

Her eyes were an icy blue, ones that could pierce right through my eyes and past my heart. She had platinum blonde hair that looked so soft, but only if I could touch it. She put it in a French braid, and it rested on her shoulder perfectly.

But don't get me started on her lips.(I cringed so bad)

They were pressed against each other, that I could imagine what her expression looked like. But I was so taken aback by her appearance that I hadn't realized she was glaring at me.

She cleared her throat, and my body straightened as I stared at her, knowing that I'd probably be getting a harsh lecture from the beautiful CEO.

"Do you know why I brought you here?" She almost growled out as her eyes stabbed right through me. I bit my lip as I forced myself to keep my eyes on her.

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