Out Of Control(SMUT⚠️)

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SMUT WARNING! Also, to all of my fellow tops out there, we finally get our top rights! I've been writing sm bottom reader recently, so finally we can be top again. You're welcome 😌
Being a werewolf really sucked sometimes.

Not only were we constantly being hunted by those petty humans, but also because of our annual heat season.

All of the females in our pack were undergoing heat, along with me. They were all over their mates who were surprised at first, but couldn't complain.

Elsa, who was the alpha female, has been my longtime mate. She was usually busy with taking care of the pack, but when she wasn't, we would usually get it on pretty well(😏).

Although I was barely even functioning correctly because of my lust, she was able to stay completely calm. She hasn't even asked me for sex during the entire heat season.

It was gonna end in a couple of days, and my desire was stronger than it has been this entire season.

My nerves were on fire and my eyes were growing lustful towards anyone I even looked at, especially Elsa.

The moon was slowly rising, and Elsa should be coming back to our hideout any second now.

I was laying on the couch with my eyes squeezed shut. My urges were usually controllable, but thanks to this damn heat season, I was more than willing to just beg.

Elsa is the alpha female though, she must be strong enough to keep her desires at bay. I wish I could do that.

I suddenly heard the front door open, and a whimper unconsciously left my lips. It wasn't that I wanted to be touched, it was more like I wanted to touch Elsa.

"I-I'm home." I heard her cold voice echo throughout our hideout. Did she just stutter? As the composed alpha female, she never stutters.

She stumbled into the living room with her hand on her forehead. Her hair was falling loose onto her shoulders, and her eyes looked so distant. It only made me want her even more.

"What's wrong?" I asked and held her towards the couch.

As soon as we sat down, she suddenly grabbed my face and pressed her lips against mine. My heart rate was abnormally fast, and my body was undergoing strong heat just from the simple gesture.

She pushed me down onto the couch before slipping her tongue past my lips. She trailed it across the roof of my mouth before lightly tugging my bottom lip between her teeth.

My hands flew off the couch and around her back. They wandered across her back until one of them reached her bottom.

She moaned into the feverish kiss before pulling away.

"I-I can't control it, Y/N." She growled before biting onto my neck roughly. I grunted from the pain before she soothed it away with her tongue.

The sensation of her saliva coating my neck turned me on, and before she could travel any further, I grabbed her wrists and pushed her down so now I was hovering above her.

"You have no idea how badly I've wanted to touch you, Elsa." I husked before attaching my teeth into her neck. Her head fell back and her eyes shut, followed by a low moan.

Her hands traveled from my back and onto my bottom as she gave it a rough squeeze. My breathing hitched, but that didn't stop me from biting her neck so hard that it bled.

I relished the taste of her godly alpha blood on my tongue before ripping her shirt open. She covered her mouth with the back of her wrist as she watched me with lust pooling in her irises.

50 Shades of Arendelle | Elsa x Fem!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now