More Than A Game

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Note: Highschool!ModernAU!Elsa x Fem!Reader
Quick steam warning! Even tho I know y'all nasties gonna enjoy it anyways 😏


"You're up, Y/N." Anna called out to me from the other side of our circle. Everyone turned to me with anticipating grins that I couldn't help but to feel a bit nervous myself.

Hell, I was freaking out.

We were playing spin the bottle at the Arendelle's house, which was owned by the most popular girl at our school.

Anna Arendelle.

She was the student council president and also known as the friendliest person at our school. We've talked a few times, and she even called me her friend, although she calls everyone that.

She also has a sister, who's personality is almost polar opposite to Anna's.

Her name is Elsa Arendelle.

She's quite reserved, and usually sits by a small group of friends during lunch, unlike Anna.

We've worked on class projects before, and she usually finishes it by herself without asking me a single thing about it. Either way, she would always get one hundred percents in every assignment.

Aside from her personality, she's gorgeous.

Like, really really gorgeous.

Anyways, both sisters, a large group of students, and I were sitting in a circle playing spin the bottle.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I reached for the beer bottle. I took a deep breath and spun it roughly.

My stomach was turning and I felt like I could've thrown up right then and there.

The bottle started to slow down towards the large group of guys, which was a relief. I still wasn't out to anyone except for my best friend, Kristoff.

Right when I thought I could breathe again, my whole body just stopped working once the bottle came to a full stop.

The girl who stunned my eyes from how gorgeous she is. The girl who is fabled for her cold but seductive personality.

It landed right on Elsa Arendelle.

My eyes trailed up to the blonde who was staring blankly at the bottle. She sighed before looking right at me, her beautifully blue eyes piercing through my heart.

Everyone just stayed silent. Elsa was known to be hard to get, so kissing for our first actual interaction made my stomach turn.

Plus, I wasn't sure if she was into girls at all, so that just added to my stress.

I felt my mouth go dry as I forced an awkward smile. She just stared right at me before turning towards her shocked sister.

"Do I really have to?" Elsa asked with a dead pan expression. Anna's eyes widened before she nodded eagerly.

"Of course. You wouldn't want to leave
Y/N hanging, would you?" She asked with a playful smirk before shooting me a wink. I gulped as I watched the argument between the sisters unfold.

Elsa sighed in defeat before standing and reluctantly grabbing my hand into hers. She forcefully dragged me into the bathroom, and before she shut it closed, I could hear one more sentence being uttered.

"Seven full minutes, Elsa!"

She threw me against the counter before glaring right through me. I could feel my body grow in heat from the erotic state that we were put in.

She leaned her hands against the counter behind me with a sigh. She pressed her warm body against mine before grazing her lips over my earlobe, causing an unwanted whimper to leave my throat.

"Do you really want to do this?" She whispered against my skin. I nodded quickly, earning a scoff from the heated blonde.

My body was undergoing such strong heat that I almost just grabbed her myself and slammed my lips onto hers. But I guess she caught that, because I felt her hands grab me by the collar of my shirt before roughly pressing our lips together.

She let out a feverish moan that vibrated through our mouths. I squeezed my eyes shut to keep my grip on reality, but this was just that. This was just a really really great reality.

My hands flew up to her caress her beautifully shaped hips before sliding towards her behind. She hummed in pleasure before forcefully pushing her warm tongue past my lips.

God, I could've never imagined that she would be this hot.

She began to caress her tongue against mine before twirling hers around my mouth. I completely forgot about the need for air and pushed her away, suddenly realizing that her hands were traveling up my chest.

She ripped her hands away after our disappointingly short moment, a flustered expression covering her porcelain face. She hugged her waist and forced her eyes away from mine.

My eyes widened from this surprisingly different side of her. She was blushing. This had to be one of man's greatest discoveries. Or woman's, I mean.

"I-I'm sorry. I lost control for some reason. W-We should go-." She tried to turn for the door, but I grabbed her by the hips before pulling her right back into my arms.

"What happened to the 'Ice Queen'? Why is she blushing?" I whispered teasingly before grazing my lips down her neck, earning a low moan from the blonde.

"Is it because you liked it, when you shouldn't have?" I husked with a smirk before planting a long kiss on the skin beneath her jaw, causing her head to hang back from the feeling that continued to crawl on her skin.

"God, Y-Y/N." She mumbled as I bit the spot before sucking it to soothe the pain. I gave it a long and slow lick before pulling away, revealing a satisfyingly large,purple love bite.

My hands started traveling from her hips and down to the hem of her skinny jeans. I felt her body shudder and squirm beneath mine before I began to unbutton her jeans.

Her hands traveled up to my hair as she gripped hard onto it to signal that she wanted me to continue faster. I hummed before pulling away from her neck and sliding her pants down her deliciously slim legs.

I felt her hands push my head down to meet her clothed womanhood, and right when I was about to begin my teasing torture on the blonde, a bell rang and a loud knock came from the door.

"Come on out, lovebirds! You can continue in Elsa's room." One of the guys said and laughter erupted shortly after.

I quickly pulled away and realized how much restraint that I had just lost to the gorgeous Ice Queen. I cleared my throat awkwardly as she swiftly pulled her jeans back up before buttoning them closed.

She gave me a glance, and possibly the most subtle smirk, before opening the bathroom door and returning to the awaiting group who was quick to question her about our moment.

I leaned against the sink before taking my flushed red face into my shaking hands.

What the hell did we just do?

A/N: Sorry for the sudden posts. I honestly don't even know what day it is or what day I should be posting anymore lol. I hope you guys still enjoyed though ❤️

50 Shades of Arendelle | Elsa x Fem!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now