Can't take it anymore

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Angel has been attending ouran academy for five weeks, the bulling has gotten from bad to worse.
Some days Angel would come home with bruises, her maid kept on asking her how she got them,but Angel always avoided the question.

Today was extremely bad, she was eating lunch when they group of girls came over to her. "Hey mute,"the girl with black hair grabbed Angel by the chin. "What's wrong?,Cats got your tongue?", the group of girls burst into laughter, the girl tightened her grip on Angels jaw. "You know,maybe we should cut her tongue out, she can't talk anyway so......." she looked straight into Angles eyes, "who's going to miss it?".

Angel's eyes widen with fear, she couldn't take this anymore, she grabbed the girl with the black hair by her neck and threw her on the ground. The girl gasped for air, the others were to shocked to do anything at the moment, Angel took that as an opportunity.

She grabbed her stuff and ran, she could hear the girls yelling after her. Angel sprinted, she shot up the stairs and around a corner. The girls yells could still be hear behind you, their feet hit the ground hard as they ran after her. One girl tripped over her dress, causing her to fall, Angel wanted to stop and laugh but the others were still coming after her.

She looked at a Corner and ran to it, not only to be pushed down the the ground by a blonde haired girl in front of her. The others joined her, and pinned Angel down. "You got some nerve challenging Kira like that, but can you escape from me?", she punched Angel in the face causing her nose to bleed.  "Go ahead and scream for help mute!", she laughed and punches Angel in the stomach,Angel winced in pain,

"We still don't know what gender you are Hatsuki", Angels eyes widen with fear,"mind if we found out?"the blonde hair girl smiled. As she reached down towards Angel, She kicked the girl with all of her strength, sending the blonde back. She ripped out of the other girls grip and jumped to her feet and ran.

She was completely lost, but she kept running, she could hear foot steps pounding on the ground. She ran faster, losing her breath as the blood on her nose dried. She looked around and found an old abandoned music room.

She swang the doors open and fell in the room.
She quickly closed the door behind her, panting so hard she might pass out. She just stared at the ground desperately trying to catch her breath. "Hey are you ok?", hearing the voice made her tense, she looked behind her to find a bunch of young men sitting on a red velvet couch. She scrambled away, her back pressed against the door. She looked at all the men, and recognized the two redheads and the feminine looking guy from her class.

A tall man with black hair and glasses walked over to her, "Have you come to notice that your nose has been bruised and is covered in blood.//WAS THIS GUY SEROUS RIGHT NOW!//,Angel could hear the foot steps pound on the ground. She scrambled away from the door in fear until she bumped into a man with black hair and a blank expression on his face. She can hear the girls yelling now, she signed as quickly as she could and mouthed,"PLEASE
DON'T LET THEM FIND ME!!!",the pure horror on Angels face said it all, but the young man said back, "who's them-",she heard the door swing open.

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