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Robyn Wood never forgave her parents for naming her after Robin Hood. It might've worked out if her last name was Hood, or hell, even Hoods would've worked. But alas, she was stuck with the cursed name of Robyn Wood until she was (hopefully) allowed to legally change it one day. Perhaps it was her namesake that caused her to commit a certain crime that turned her life upside down.

To be clear, Robyn Wood only used her powers to commit one crime. Just the one. And it wasn't even that big of a crime. So what if she stole some things? Tricked some people? It's not like she went out and committed mass murder.

Besides, people were worrying about much bigger problems than just her being a petty thief. People were gaining power capable of mass destruction. 30 years ago, a woman suddenly acquired the ability to turn invisible. Experts and scientists were shocked, and soon after, more and more people began gaining supernatural powers. Scientists declared that it was simply the next step in human evolution.

Of course, with newfound power, there were bound to be people trying to play hero. Not long after the discovery, official government-authorized superheroes were announced. Immediately, the world's first superheroes shot to fame, and more and more people began signing up to be superheroes. Some did it for the fame, others did it because they were genuinely good people.

But of course with the rise of heroes came the growth of villainy, as cliche and cheesy as it was. The media had dubbed them "deviants", a dumb name in Robyn's book, but better than calling them villains. It got to the point where nearly each week there was a new deviant trying to claim their 5 minutes of fame by blowing up a hospital to prove that "society was broken". There was a constant cyclical battle between the heroes and the deviants. Even though Robyn was one of the "lucky few" that developed superhuman abilities, she didn't care enough to concern herself with heroics.

Weirdly enough, it worked out for Robyn. The superheroes were too busy worrying about the deviants to worry about people like her.

In Robyn's mind, she was in the clear, but next thing she knows, she's on everyone's favorite superhero's radar. And not in a good way.

She's given two options: help him, or be locked away for fraud, theft, and abuse of superhuman powers under the Power Restraint Act.

As much of an easy choice as it should've been, he made it pretty hard by being an absolute pain in the ass. 

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