No, not scary

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The girls all piled into the car.
"Now talk" was all Toni said.
"What's in the bag?" Addy asked.

"He was just asking if I was okay and if I have eaten anything today...which reminded me that I didn't" she said the last part mostly to herself "and it's a" she drew out the syllable opening the bag, "turkey sandwich"

It was a terrible habit. If she was engrossed in anything it was like her hunger was off until it was too late to eat or until she was finished with what she was doing.

"Why do they call him sir and did you find out where his scars came from?" Addy asked bouncing in the back seat.

Looking dumb-found Luce looked from Addy to Toni and Toni to Addy, "so that's the only reason y'all are intimidated by him?" She asked laughing.
"Well that and his voice. It's rough and deep. Plus there is something I can't put my finger on" Addy added. "Awe it's okay that's just him I guess" Luce soothed the girl.

Should I mention how he is apart of the marines based on his tattoos and how they call him gunny which is another confirmation of marines. Or how odd it is that everyone addresses him as sir and is scared of disobeying him?

She thought to herself. "I think he's just rough cause he's in the marines" she said trying to calm the atmosphere.

Starting her car she pulled out of the parking spot. "One of the tattoos you saw was a marine tattoo. And his friend, or family (not being sure who Antonio was to Dracston) also calls him gunny".

Luce knew there was more than the marines to Drake but she didn't want to dive into that and frankly it was none of her business.

"Anyways, it's not like I'm going to be seeing him again" .

Addy knew that was not right and so did everyone else in the car. Luce knew the words were wrong as they left her lips, and Toni just had the deep seeded feeling that Dracston would be around for a while.

~ Time lapse ~

A fresh new day arrived and Luce wanted nothing more but to stay in bed. With a huff and a "Morning Aba" she pulled her feet off the mattress grabbing her blanket off of the chest in-front of her bed along with her bible.

Going into the bathroom, she brushed her teeth and washed her face to wake her up a bit more, before she moved to the kitchen for her Captain America cup filled with water and ice.

She took a moment to breathe her legs crossed on thr couch thinking of where to start.

The world was so silent making her every movement seem louder that it really was.

She decided to turn to Ester, one of the stories she's read only a couple of times.

As she read the story she noted the things that stuck out to her.

Coming to the end of the story she looked over some of the things she wrote.
God put the plan into motion
Nothin is wasted (not even physical beauty)
Aba is in the details that His name didn't even have to be mentioned in every passage for the reader to know He is in the most of what was helping
Another example of how Fasting is important
God wrote Esther and her husband together

Lucinda looked over her list, knowing where each bullet applied to her life, except the last.

Soon beloved

Marking that as the end of her morning reading she started to pray.

Around 7:00 am Lucinda was already showered and dressed, now eating her breakfast looking at the day ahead. She was in her friends house but there were two bathrooms in the lay out. They were friends for years, nothing could rob Quinn of her sleep.

Checking the time she expected Quinn up at any moment for them to start heading into Boston. Even though their meetings were not until in the evening, the hotel check in time was at 11am.

As if on queen Quinn poked her head around in the kitchen. "About time sunshine" Luce giggled. Quinn was anything but an early morning person.

Groaning, "why are you sooo.....bright in the morning" she muttered. Shrugging her shoulder Lucinda picked up her dish and brought it to the sink washing it along with the pan she used "breakfast is on the table. Eggs and bacon".

Quinn going into the shower

Dressed and grabbing the bags

8:30am left


, then right after she had a meeting at 4:30pm and another at 5:30pm then she would probably do some school work or editing or painting as she had nothing else planned and the first day of the trip was more of a do nothing or business day.


The thought made itself known to her, instantly she knew it was her word for the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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