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"Let's go" Kitty said. "You said that already" Kellen said. "Ik. I just like saying it" Kitty said. "Ok" Charlie said.

Kellen: If your stranded and abandoned in outer space, then just look around until you've found a flowered face. You can pull me up and be my master, I'll help you build your ship much faster, I'll take on any one disaster no matter the case.

Charlie: When you got a pretty major problem and need special skills(Kellen: Hey now) and you can't count on Red to deliver(Kellen: Take that back), bring a Blue because we're more effective(Kellen: That's nonsense), at handling a tough directive(Kellen: Be honest)

Charlie and Kellen: This pays to be a bit selective when crossing rivers/This lying is only trying my patience.

Kellen: We'll see who's the wiser when you're burning up inside a flame geyser.

Kitty: If you're looking for the perfect color and love throwing bombs(Kellen: What are you doing)

Kitty, Kellen and Charlie: You should ditch these other Pikmin for Yellow/That's just baloney, this guy's a phony/Say what you like, blue's still cooler.

Kellen: You're crazy.

Kitty, Charlie and Kellen: We can take down earthen walls with ease, blow up spotty bulborbs it's a breeze, to demolish everything you please, just you bellow for me/I'm better, even Red here is better fashioned for survival than carrying bombs/It is clear that I'm the strongest, I think I can live the longest, I can definitely sing the songest, you're wrongest to me.

Kitty, Charlie and Kellen: We could use collaboration to succeed without our segregation/All of this fighting has done some enlightning/What if our difference makes Pikmin efficience?

Kitty, Charlie and Kellen: I'll carry some bomb-rocks 'cuz pyrotechnics are my thing, 'cuz you never know, ever what we'll find/I'll swim on ahead on the other Pikmin just to help to see what new ship parts we'll find/I'll start on some bridges to help Yellow cross to haul away all we find

Kellen: 'till the 39th.

Kitty, Charlie and Kellen: I fly higher 'cuz my ears are wider, so always bring/Yellow is lighter and Red's more a fighter and Blue makes us/I stand in waves of fire whenever, I'll never tire, because Pikmin are-

Kitty, Charlie and Kellen: -Three of a kind. So travel in bunches or risk being lunches.

Kellen: There's no "I" in team-

Kitty: -"I" in team, but there's room-

Charlie: -But there's room, it would seem.

Kitty, Charlie and Kellen: For three, for you and me.

"Great singing" Igor said. "Thanks. Can you sing?" Kitty asked. "Oh. I can sing. Do you have a song for me to sing?" Igor asked. "Yes" Kitty said.

Igor: There's a million ways to die inside of Bowser's castle, a million ways to fail. You can fall on spikes or drown in some lava, ride skull trains that derail. There's a million ways to die inside of Bowser's castle, by thromp or Rocky wrench. Rebounding koopa shell, a magic spell, a lift that fell, conveyer belt, a pipe above a muncher filled trench

Igor: You might get crushed, or burned, or hit with a fish. You might get squashed or bitten by a Boo. You may be hammered, bro, or greeted by five hundred Lackitu. You may slip on ice, be shot in the face, or simply sprung off a ledge in mid-jump. Despite how hard you may try, it's sure that you'll die. From blocks and from bills, and a blooper that flys

Igor: That's why a million ways to die inside of Bowser's castle, like saws and fire chains. A walking bomb, a stack of towering dry bones, that time you went insane. And every trap you find inside of every Bowser's castle creates a lithel maze. Beware this super star, this koopa car, this bratty-baby tropazar. It's quite the fiendish hassle, to survive in Bowser's castle, due to every castle killing you, a miiiiilioooon waaaaays

"Yay" OR3O said. "How long have you been listening?" Kitty asked. "Since I heard singing" OR3O said. "Oh" Kitty said. "You guys are good at singing" OR3O said. "Thank you" Igor said. "Oooh. Hello. I believe we didn't introduce ourselves. I am Kathleen(Is that her name?), or OR3O" OR3O said. "Hi. I'm Igor AKA TryHardNinja" Igor said. "Nice to meet you" "You too" "Wanna meet the others?" "Sure" Igor, OR3O, Kellen, Kitty, and Charlie walked out of Kitty and Charlie's room to meet everyone.

TryHardNinja X Kitty Cheshire(Elizabeth Afton) AUWhere stories live. Discover now