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I come out with three bags of stuff. Do you really need all that? Sam asks

Just as much as you need your hair products! I say.

Shut up. He says slapping me on the back of the head.

What was that for?!?! I say and stomp on his foot. He winced. I got in the backseat and got my blanket and stuffed animal I keep in here. I keep a soft fluffy pink blanket, and a stuffed sloth. Sam is in the front talking to Dean. I look out the window. Its getting dark. I very, very slowly start to drift off to a dream land far far away in neverland.

Dean's p.o.v

Hey, Lea. I say loudly. Then I look in my rear view mirror. I smile she is asleep. We get everything thing in the motel room. I pick up lea. She stirs awake a little in my arms.

De, I love you. She says in the cutest sleepy voice. She puts her head on my shoulder. My heart just exploded. I feel her grip get tighter. When we reach to motel room I put her on the couch go to my bed and go to sleep. DE! DE! I hear Lea say frantically. I jump up and race to her.

Lea wake up. I say shaking her. She bolts up and hugs me.

Dean. She says in a scared sleepy voice.

Yeah. I say

Can I sleep with you tonight? She asks.

Yeah. I say. I pick her up and she instantly falls asleep when her head hit the pillow. I smile to myself then giggle. I fall asleep some time after. I get up to go to the bathroom in the morning.

De? She says waking up.

I'm going to the bathroom. I say. When I get out she rushes into the bathroom before Sam can. She comes out in her fake F.B.I costume. She disappeared than came back with food. Thanks. I say inhaling the food.

Lea's point of view fight

I grab the five year old girl from the chair. She is crying girl on the impala's hood. Where's your mommy and daddy? I ask

I'm a foster, after my mommy died when I was on, when i turned two, my daddy turned into a alcoholic and abused me and blame me for it. He also hunted monsters like you do.  A five year old shouldn't know what abuse is or even a alcoholic. She says. He is in jail now. She says

Well what foster home do you live at? I ask

Homes for girls. Take a right on Elm street the turn left on M.L.K street then on your right is the orphanage. She says. It takes us five minutes to get there.

Hi. An mean looking woman said.  Justice Jay Robinson. She barks. Come here. She says got a paddle and whooped the kid one to many times. JJ looks up at her with tears in her eyes. She whooped her once more with a full blow pow. You can see a puddle of pee underneath JJ. She is shaking.

We would like to adopt her ma'ma. I say. We sigh papers for three hours then we get her other pare of clothes and leave that hell hole. We go to a local walmart and get her clothes and a car seat and sippy cups and a crib and pull ups.. Cas said he decorated her room already. So JJ. I say.

Yes, mommy. She says frantically. Sorry I didn't mean to call you That. She says panicking

Its okay. I say. You can call me mommy, the guy with the short hair Dean, the one with the long hair Sam, then the other one your going to meet you can call daddy. I say

Okay, mommy. She says. Sam she says.

Yes. He says.

You my uncle. She giggles. When we reach the bunker we get out and show her to her room

 When we reach the bunker we get out and show her to her room

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She falls asleep almost instantly. We go to sleep.

JJ's point if view

Smile, the worst is yet to come. I think.

Lea Mae Winchester part 2Where stories live. Discover now