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Arabella is with her grandparents for the rest of two weeks. I wake up to my cramps. But they're worse than usual. Ow. I complain. I get dressed in confronting clothes. I walk out. While we eat breakfast I say ouch a lot. Are you okay Lea? Dean asked me concerned

Yeah just you know on my period. I say

Come on it can't be that bad. The boys say

Oh, yeah. Castiel! I yell

Yes, Lea. He says

Turn Sam and Dean into girls. Make them have their periods so they feel what I feel. Turn them into girls for three months. Then all of a sudden they're girls.

Why is my voce so high. Dean asked. Then the cramps hit him hard. Son of a gun. He said bending over

How do you deal with this every month. They ask

I just do, on top of that I have to hunt. I say

Awe you poor soul. They say. They look down to see their jeans turned bloody.

Come on. I say. We get in the bathroom I teach them how to use pads and we go to Sam's room.

This hurts. They complain.

Its like some one has a knife and is slashing my gut. Dean said tears down his face so does Sam. How? They ask

Try having it since you were ten. You get used to it. Kind of. I say giving them chocolate.

Wow, this helps a lot. They says chewing on the chocolate.

Why do I have hair to my butt? He asked looking at his hair.

My hair is passed my butt by a bit. Sam says

My hair is to my thighs. I say

How do you do this. Sam and Dean say hair out of control. I do their hair. How did you tame it? They ask

I've been doing it for 34 years. I say

Make the pain stop. Dean says crying. Why am I so emotional. He says. We get in the impala. The boys drink and drink water and soda. We are on an hunt. We still have a long way on our hunt.

Dang it. They whisper. Squirming in their seats. Having to pee.

Why do women have small bladders? Dean asked trying to focus

Just do. How is the ones with the big bladder doing having to pee after one bottle of water. I tease them

Okay, just get Castiel to turn us back. They beg.

Fine. Castiel turn them back.  I say. They are back to men.

Wow that really jacked me up. Dean said. Now I know what it means to be a girl. I hate it.

Yeah, an upside is that you can charm your way out of things. I say

Lea Mae Winchester part 2Where stories live. Discover now