Sunny again

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At least 30 minutes, Judy and I both paced rapidly around in the garage. I clutched my tweezers, hoping they were ok.

Until we heard an engine.

That sweet sound of some kinda hope.

My heart pumped faster, it was skipping seven beats per second at least.

Judy looked at me with that look. The look of relief and that your conscious was ok and u weren't about to loose ur shit.

"That's the chariot. Their ok!" Judy said breathlessly and she hugged me so much that my feet left the floor.

I smiled cringing a little, because I couldn't breathe...she definitely had a grip.

"Yep their alive!" I laughed as she apologized from almost destroying my lungs and respiratory system.

She wiped her eyes, as we caught sight of the vehicle.

Some part of my hope flew thinking that my family would be in that chariot.

But I knew they weren't and it sunk. But they took me in like I was one of them. Eventually I'm going to have realize family saved me because they loved me and wanted me to live.

So I smiled as they parked the chariot in the garage as the storm approached us.

We opened the doors and a woman about Maureen's age stumbles out causing me to catch her from under the arms.

"Oh god ok. Here let me help." I put her arm around my shoulders and helped her up to the medical bed

"Thank you, that was very kind of u...I'm Dr.Smith."

"Skylin, nice to meet u Dr.Smith" I answered politely

I nodded and left the room as Judy came running from the basement

"She in the medical bed?" Judy asked

"Yes Ma'am." I answered she first pumped me on the to way to her.

Will walked up behind her, his brown eyes, and the small cut on his cheek were enough to make my heart pump faster.

"Will!" I ran into his arms and He hugged me tight.

"I think u lost this in the woods." He said handing me something.

A necklace, it was the small little amethyst crystal I got from my mom.

That one year on my Birthday....she told me to always keep it. So someday I can give it to someone else.

I felt a tear go over my cheek but I wiped it off and hugged him harder.

I brushed some of the blood off of his scratch, some blood wiping off on my finger suddenly feeling the awkwardness fill the air and I stepped away blushing.


I was the last one to go to sleep and I had to turn off all the lights. Normally that's Judys job but she was super tired so I told her to go lay down.

As I turned off the last light I looked out the main decks window, crossing my arms.

I looked up at the beautiful sky, there were so many stars. I smiled and walked back to Wills room passing the parents room were the two of them slept.

"Sky." I heard some whisper, and stopped in my tracks, tucking my long hair behind my ear.

I turned around and looked into the room looking for the voice.

Maureen had called me.

"Yeah?" I asked, walking in and looking at them.

"We found a few things while we were there." They said and handed me a bag

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