Smoke and... metal

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I gathered Al, Will, and Katherine still getting those butterflies of jealousy every time I saw the two of them talking. Or standing next to each other.

Lola's dad works in the main control room, She would botch the plan and tell him. I wouldn't doubt it.

Everyone had a radio and small weapon just in case someone tries to harm them, just for extra precaution.

When I was little my brother was sorta.... a drug dealer, he got into all that club stuff, he never took any drugs, he did it for the money to go to college.

We didn't live in a nice part of town so we kinda got in trouble and in bad situations all the time. I was used to crawling and jumping fences. And jumping from roof to roofs which yes.... some crazy fat Chinese lady like chased me because I stepped on her cats tail.

Yeah.....the adventure never ends with me.

They go crazy over that damn shit.

I shook off the past telling myself that it wasn't the time to do that.

The plan was to go threw the floors and the ventilation. Which is pretty small but I could crawl, I was thin enough to fit.

Al and Will malfunction the light systems in there so that me and Katherine are able to jump down and unlock the doors so that Maureen can come in and do whatever she wanted to do.

I radioed Maureen and Will
"Everyone in their places?" I asked

"Yes." Wills voice said

"Absolutely." I heard Maureen's voice say


"On ur word." She answered

I breathed, our counting to three in my head

"Now." I said sticking the radio on my belt and began the journey

I started to crawl threw the ventilation

Crawling as quietly as possible.

I pulled my kakhis up and tucked my navy shirt in more, glad I didn't where long sleeves.

I grunted as the vent become alittle more tighter, but I pushed threw it turning my hips to an angle.

I end up at the let out area, getting my radio.

"Will? Al? Come in." I whispered hoping it was quiet enough.

I could hear my heart beat it was so quiet

"Yes, ready?" I heard Will soft voice calming my tense body.

"Yes," I said putting the radio back on my belt

I crawled right next the vent ending looking threw the small openings.

I listened to the controls waiting for the lights to go off, tucking some strands from my ponytail behind my ear.

Rehearsing the swift moves in my head, replaying them over and over.

I breathed softly, trying to be silent.

The lights went off

Here we go

I kicked the vent out

I hopped onto the ground rolling into a sprint to the doors as I hear complaints from the deck.

Katherine and me cracked the code quickly slamming the button


There were footsteps, but I felt a smile reach my lips in the darkness.

Then the door opened about to celebrate but someone smash me into a wall

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