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Being a postwoman wasn't the career you'd had in mind when you were younger, but you'd been stuck in this dead end job for the last five years. The only upside being that once or twice a year you would deliver to a celebrity. Though most of the time they'd end up being dicks. Today, however, has caused butterflies in your stomach. You were delivering a parcel to the legendary Gorillaz! You'd been a fan for years, but sadly you hadn't been lucky enough to meet them- until today!

As you approached the building you began to shake. Calm down they're just a group of famous people you're obsessed with and oh my god what if I embarass myself???. You shook your head in attempt to snap yourself out of your thoughts. You recognised the house from the Saturnz Bars music video. Getting closer and closer to the door, you heard your heart beating in your ears.

You hesitated for a moment before ringing the doorbell. Loudest doorbell I ever heard. You rolled your eyes and smiled. The door slowly creaked open, an anxious looking man with bright blue hair and endless black holes for eyes stood before you. He was hunched over in a defensive posture, like he was expecting someone intimidating. He relaxed a bit when he saw you. sweet satan it's him I can't believe I'm not dreaming Stuart Tusspot is right in front of me.

"Ummm, are you alrigh'?" He asked raising a brow at you while you tried to compose yourself. "Y-yeah I'm fine!". woahwoahwoah. You fought to keep yourself from fainting. "I um have a parcel for you" You managed to force out while extending your arm to the confused man. He took the parcel from you gently and pinned it under his arm so he could sign the form in your other hand.
"Fanks, is dat all?" He sighed, a sad expression upon his face. You couldn't stand seeing him like that, and your curiosity got the better of you. "Is everything okay?". The singer closed his eyes for a moment, searching for an excuse. "Uhh yeah I'm okay, jus' tired I guess". You didn't believe him but didn't know what else you could do. Alright just say goodbye and leave him in peace, you thought. But then you blurted out: "would you like to go on a walk? I know you said you're okay but you don't look it. Sometimes staying inside when you're stressed just makes you feel trapped, going on a walk and feeling the wind wash over your face can be really therapeutic". He raised a brow at you again, unsure as to why you cared so much. You continued: "we don't have to talk about it, we can just walk until you feel okay and part ways". You smiled sweetly, hoping to have convinced him. He took a moment to consider the offer and a small smile creeped onto his face as he nodded slowly. "let me jus' ge' my coat".

As he pulled on his beige bomber jacket and zipped it up, you snapped back to reality and realised what was happening. Holy crap how did I do that??? You fidgeted with your fingers in silence as the two of you made your way down the street.

After a few minutes you noticed 2-D straighten his posture and take a deep breath of fresh air. He turned to you and smiled, revealing the gaps in his mouth where teeth were missing "fanks so much for dis... uhhh sorry I never go' your name?" he said with an awkward chuckle. "oh no problem!" you chirped in return, "and it's y/n".

"What made you wan' ta help me y/n?" the man asked, this question had been on his mind for the entire walk.

"O-oh well I just saw how sad you were and I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I just left you alone".

2-D hummed in thought after hearing you say that, your words had touched him and he was unsure how to reply. "Well I feel I owe you an explanation den, I'd like ta ge' it off ma chest". You nodded and the singer flashed you another mesmerising smile. "Well... I was goin' through some old fings and I found a picture of an ex-girlfriend... we broke up years ago but she was my first serious girlfriend and I jus' loved her so much" his voice started to break, you rubbed his back gently and sent goose bumps shooting across his body. "I though' she loved me too bu' it turns out she actually just used me to get close to my... I almost called him a friend haha, suppose I don' really know how to describe our relationship. We're in a band- Gorillaz -I'm the singer and he's the bass player" he explained. You knew all of this already, and you knew exactly which ex he was talking about, but you thought he might feel uncomfortable if you told him that so you pretended to be clueless. "He didn' care abou' her though, just threw her away once he'd destroyed our relationship, dat's all he really cared about: seeing me miserable". He chewed on his bottom lip trying to keep himself together. Your heart shattered into a million pieces hearing this. You'd always had a strange soft spot for Murdoc but if he dared show his face right now you feared you wouldn't be able to stop yourself attacking him for the pain he caused the darling singer.

"You looked kinda scared when you answered the door, is that because of this guy?" Murdoc had quite a history of abusing 2-D. "yeah, he went out drinkin' last night and I figured he must've lost his keys or somefin' like dat".

As if on cue you heard a rough voice from seemingly nowhere, "as a matter of fact that is exactly wha' happened!". 2-D whipped around at lightening speed "how much did you hear?!" he squeaked. Way to be subtle D.

Murdoc furrowed his brows "why what're you talkin' about?" he asked with a hint of aggression. 2-D was panicking but you had an idea, "o-oh he was just warning me about you haha! Apparently you like to steal girlfriends" you said with a smirk, winking at the lizard like man. He was caught off guard, 2-D was extremely confused. You placed your hand on 2-D's shoulder, "well I should head back to the office before my boss goes berserk, call me later blue" and strolled away. 2-D caught on to what you were doing and glanced at Murdoc, who had a disturbing smile spread across his face.

You had to stop yourself from hyperventilating as you made your way back to work.

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