Returning to the spirit house

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The next three days were bland, boring and repetitive. You constantly thought of that day, meeting two of your heroes still felt unreal. Your boss, Sarah, approached you with a friendly smile on her face. Sarah was a fair boss; when you first started working there she never lost her temper when you messed up or got confused. However she would always call you out if you were late, which you often were. "Hey there y/n! I have a surprise for you!" she said in a sing-song voice. You smiled weakly, you were so tired and just wanted to curl into a ball under the desk. Sarah pulled out a parcel from behind her back, you wanted to sob not another damn one my shift nearly is over. "oh you shouln't have!" you say sarcastically. "hush and read the name" Sarah commanded. You rolled your eyes and looked closer at the parcel. 2-D. Now your interest was piquead. You gave Sarah a warm smile and rushed out of the building, making your way back to the spirit house with newfound energy.

You were less hesitant to ring the doorbell this time, excited to see the singer again. Only, when the door opened you weren't greeted by Stu. In front of you stood a woman with a cheeky grin, she was short and slender and had short black hair contained in pigtails. You felt your jaw drop, you couldn't help it, this was NOODLE. You had a huge crush on Noodle when you were a teen, watching her shoot down planes in the melancholy hill music video. "uhm I uhhh -have a parcel! for 2-D hahaha...." you were a damn wreck. She laughed lightly, not in a cruel way, she found this endearing. "Thank you very much!" she took the parcel from your shaking hands and placed it on a table nearby before turned back to you, "I'm Noodle! what's your name?" her voice was very energetic and bouncy. "oh i-it's ummm..y/n... I'm y/n". She raised an eyebrow at you playfully "are you sure?". Your face was burning up, you wanted to run away at full speed but your feet stayed planted. "Do you want to sit down for a moment?" Noodle asked, slightly worried you would faint. "No i'm okay...  I should go now". Although she was unconvinced she gave you a huge smile and said "well then, y/n, have a wonderful day!~"

Still chuckling at your awkwardness, Noodle skipped up the stairs to 2-D's room and knocked, he poked his head out the door and she held out the parcel. "SHE WAS HERE????" 2-D screeched, making Noodle jump as the singer charged down the stairs and flung himself out the door, looking around until he saw you further up the street, he ran towards you at full speed until he crashed right into you, knocking you to the floor. "Ow my head. What the hell? 2-D?" you groaned, clutching your head in your hands. "I'm so sorry! I didn' mean ta do dat!" he cried. He offered you his hand and pulled you to your feet. "It's okay, I forgive you"

After dusting yourself off you look at 2-D, giving you the biggest smile you've ever seen, "I jus' really wanted to fank you for helping me wiv Murdoc". You returned the smile "It's really no big deal, I'm happy to help anytime". Suddenly you were embraced tightly by 2-D, you couldn't breathe but you were still grateful for the hug. After releasing you, 2-D looked at his shoes "So I guess we should exchange numbers?" he asked hopefully. "How come?" you asked, "so we can meet up again wivout me orderin' things" he chuckled. "o-oh okay then" you couldn't stop yourself blushing he ordered that just to see me again?  you exchanged numbers, saving him as Stu-Pot.

"Uhh... when I'm wiv someone Murdoc usually leaves me alone so he can focus on flirting with them. Would you be okay putting up wiv dat?". Wait what? He wants me to pretend to be his girlfriend... so Mudz will leave him alone?  "umm.." I mean... when else are you going to get a chance to hang around these people? And besides, it's for a good reason...

"of course! I can handle anything!"

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