Weird Guy

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Murdoc disappeared to his room while the rest of you sat around a huge plate of toast.

"Does that happen often?" You ask the group. 2-D bowed his head, Noodle wouldn't meet your eyes. Russel sighed "more often than you'd think. He's an emotional wreck when he drinks. But don't worry about it, he'll be an asshole again tomorrow". You weren't sure how to respond. Russel had every right to be critical of Murdoc, he'd put up with his crap for years, but you felt like you'd seen something beneath the surface of Murdoc's rough exterior tonight. Something real.

Russel let you borrow one of his shirts to sleep in. The sofa wasn't as comfortable as 2-D's bed but you were still grateful to be there. When you came to, you could faintly hear drums. You hadn't heard this beat before. You sat up slowly and shook off the sleep before making your way towards the sound. You knocked on the door "Russel?". He couldn't hear you. You opened the door and Russel span around. He was wearing a black shirt and yellow pyjama pants. "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you. I shouldn't have opened the door" you said.
"It's fine. Sorry if I woke you up, everyone else is a pretty heavy sleeper 'cept for Murdoc, but it's just a bonus to piss him off"
You laughed "you're surprisingly passive aggressive". Russel smirked at you. Then he turned back to his drum kit and began to play again. You perched yourself on the end of Russel's bed and looked around his room. It was quite large, the walls were a pale yellow and the floor was the same dark brown planks from the hallway. On a shelf there was a chicken, two squirrels and a rabbit. In one corner of the room stood a bear, in the opposite corner was an alligator and next to Russell's drum kit was a pig. The bed itself was a wooden double with soft red sheets. When Russel was finished he turned back to you, "let's go get some breakfast".

The two of you sat at the dining table, there was a large plate in the centre with bacon butties with a jug of orange juice sat next to it. There were smaller plates and glasses in front of each chair for the others. Russel and you began to help yourselves. "Russel? Where do you get those animals?" You asked.
"I don't kill them if that's what you're asking. I just come across them. I figure that instead of leaving them to decompose I could take them home and give them a new purpose. Some people don't like that, but no ones forcing them to do it".

Noodle entered the room yawning. She had a fluffy lilac dressing gown on and her hair was wild. "Good morning Noodle" you said. Noodle grinned at you "morning". She joined you at the table, sitting next to Russel. Soon after, 2-D made his appearance; he had stripy pyjama pants and a shirt with a huge smiling face on it which made you smile back. He sat next to you and poured himself some orange juice. After some chatter Noodle and Russel took the plates and glasses to the kitchen, except for Murdoc's, who had yet to surface.

You went into the bathroom and put your clothes from last night back on. When you came back out you spotted Noodle down the hall smoothing down her hair in the mirror. "I think your hair looks cute stood up" you said while approaching her. She chuckled and turned to face you "you'd look cute with any hairstyle". You blushed lightly, you never expected Noodle to be such a flirt. "So how did you enjoy last night?" She asked.
"It was fun, you're an amazing dancer". This time Noodle blushed. "Well I'm happy you had a good time. I'd love to do it again. Maybe just me and you?" she said with a smirk. You couldn't stop a huge grin spreading across your face "I'd like that"

Your phone beeped.
Sarah: just reminding you work will be starting in fifteen minutes, please don't be late today.
Guess I should head back to the apartment and change into my uniform now, plus I could really use a shower.

You pulled on your leather jacket and shoved your feet back into your vans.
"Alright I'll see you all later" you waved. Noodle waved back with a smile before stepping into her room. When you passed Murdoc's door you heard it open behind you and he grabbed your wrist. You turned to look at him, his expression was vague. For a moment he looked at your hand, before he met your gaze. His eyes were desperate. His mouth opened and closed like a goldfish.
"Murdoc what's wrong?"
You placed your free hand on Murdoc's shoulder, "Murdoc it's okay, I'm here for you". His face hardened. He retreated back into his room, gently tugging you along and closing the door.
"I don't need you babying me. Next time, I want to get shitfaced without the interrogation from you". You were confused. Murdoc seemed troubled when he grabbed you. You looked down at your wrist still in his grasp, when you did that he immediately dropped it and took a step backwards. "Is that it?" You asked.
"Yeah. See ya". He wouldn't look you in the eyes, he just stared at the floor until you turned and left.

You tried to rationalise his behaviour but you only came up with one conclusion:
He's a weird guy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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