𝟡. 𝕥ꫝꫀ ᠻⅈ𝕣ડ𝕥 𝕥ꪖડ𝕜

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Lyra Thorne POV

I knock on the Gryffindor Dormitories and Ron Weasley answers. 

"What's a Slytherin got buisness doing here?" Ron asks. 

"Weasley, I need to talk to Hermione," I say. "She might be able to help me with the summoning charm." 

"Why should she help you," Ron asks suspiciously. "Aren't you and Harry separate Champions?" 

"No," I answer. "We're on the same team. Now do me a favor and get Hermione." 

Ron grumbles and lets me in the dorms. I head to Hermione's room. 

"Hey, Lyra! Funny seeing you here," Hermione says as she opens the door. 

"Hey, H, I need help on a summoning charm," I say and then tell her my game plan. 

Draco Malfoy POV

I wonder where Lyra is. She wasn't in her dorm room this morning and she never showed up at breakfast. 

The First Task is this afternoon and I'm starting to get worried. If Lyra is against a dragon, then her life is on the line. 

Lyra Thorne POV

My dragon is the Hungarian Horntail. My job is to retrieve the egg. 

Are they legit trying to kill us? 

"Good luck, Lyra," Harry says as I'm about to go out to the stadium. 

I give him a small smile. "Thanks, Potter," I say. "You're lucky you're not dying today." 

I walk outside, knowing this may very well be my last day on earth. 

I hear Malfoy leading the Slytherins to cheer me on. 

I raise my wand up. "ACCIO FIREBOLT!" I shout as loud as I can over the people cheering. Oh gods, lets hope Hermione taught me well. 

I see it. Harry's Firebolt is speeding towards me. Ludo Bagman is shouting something. I don't really care. The broom comes to me and I mount. I kicked off the ground. 

This is just another Quidditch Match against a very angry Hungarian Horntail, Lyra. Your aim is to get the Golden Snitch. Lyra, c'mon!

I dive down, the Horntail's head diving for me. I'm dodging a Bludger. 

"Great Scott! Thorne can fly! Are you watching this, Mr. Krum?" Bagman says. I roll my eyes. 

I soar higher in circles. The Horntail is still following, hopefully getting very dizzy. 

I dive down, the Horntail's flames just missing me. His tail almost hits me but, it's just a Bludger, so who cares. 

Gah, I'm freaking out! Is this really a fucking dragon! 

I need to lure the Horntail out and then make a loop around. 

I fly higher and higher. I'm the Golden Snitch for the Horntail. Another burst of flames and I dodge. 

"C'mon, get me!" I hiss. 

Now she rears back and I dive. I'm going to die. I speed for the egg, the Golden Snitch. I grasp it and fly to the stands. 

"Look at that!" Bagman roars. "Will you look at that! The youngest Hogwarts champion is the quickest to it's egg! And not a scratch on her!" 

I see the teachers rushing to subdue the Horntail. 

Lyria Potter, the Girl Who Survived a Dragon. And Voldemort, of course. 

"That was excellent, Thorne!" Professor McGonagall says. I give her a smile. 

"Thank you, professor," I say. 

I'm pulled over by Madam Pomfrey and she gives me a once over. "Darling, you've been burned!" Madam Pomfrey says. "Those dragons!" 

The tent is divided into fourths and I spot Cedric. He doesn't look too bad, at least he's sitting up. 

"Last year, your brother had dementors, this year dragons. You're quite lucky that it's merely a burn. The other's suffered worse," Madam Pomfrey says. 

"How bad is it, Diggory?" I ask Cedric. 

"Worse than those burns," Cedric says. 

"Lyra, you were brilliant!" Hermione says! Harry and Ron are standing uneasily behind her. 

"Thanks, H," I say, beaming. 

"You really didn't put your name in the Goblet," Ron says. 

"Of course, you nimrod. Does it look like I want to die?" I say laughing. "Took you long enough to realize." 

"C'mon, they're putting your score up, Lyra," Harry says. 

Ron goes on about the other Champions. 

Madame Maxine gives me a nine. Crouch, nine point five. Dumbledore a ten. Bagman, ten. Karkaroff, seven. 

"Not bad, Thorne," someone says behind me. Malfoy. 

"I can't tell whether I should take that as a compliment, Malfoy," I say, turning around. Surprisingly, he's not accompanied by his gang, just himself. 

"It's like Tris's initiation in Dauntless," Malfoy says. 

I break into a genuine smile. "You really read Divergent?" I ask. 

"You said I couldn't compare you to Granger until I do," Malfoy says. "So I did." 

"Well, Tris got off easier. There's no dragons," I say. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Malfoy is actually smiling. 

"Bagman want a word in the Champions tent," Harry says. 

Ron and Hermione say they'll wait, so Harry and I walk into the tent. Cedric gives me a smile. 

"Good one, Lyra," Cedric says grinning. 

"And you," Harry and I say in unison. 

"Well done, all of you," Bagman says, pratically skipping into the tent. "Now, just a few words. You've got a nice break before the second task, which'll take place half past nine on the morning of Feburary the twenty-fourth. But you've got something to think about, too. If you look at these golden eggs y'all are holding, you will see that they open. You'll need to solve the clue inside of the egg, because it'll tell you the secod task and then you can prepare for it." Bagman says. 

"Good luck, Harry," I say, shoving the egg in his hand. Harry leaves with Hermione and Ron to who knows where and I head to my dorm. Lyria Potter may be no more, but it doesn't change that I may be a tinsy bit proud of my bro- Harry Potter's work at Hogwarts. 

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