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Draco Malfoy POV

"Snape wants us all in the Great Hall," I tell Lyra. Once again, her head's in a book, exactly like Granger. 

"That's great, tell me it there's anything important," Lyra say, half listening to me. 

"LYRA!"I yell. Lyra jumps. 

"Merlin's beard, what? Can't you see I'm in the middle of Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse?" Lyra hisses. Merlin, remind me never to interupt Lyra when she's reading again. 

"Snape wants us in the Great Hall," I repeat. Lyra sighs and gets up. 

"I swear one of these days I'll hex you," Lyra mutters angrily. 

Harry Potter POV

"What are we doing here?" I ask Ron. 

"Beats me," Ron answers. 

I glimpse the Hufflepuff Head of House, Pomona Sprout, the Herbology Professor and the Ravenclaw Head, Filius Flitwick, the Charms Master. 

Then Snape leads in the entire Slytherin House, with Malfoy and Lyra right behind him. Lyra seems to be arguing with Malfoy about something. 

"This must be very important," Hermione whispers next to us. "I mean, Snape hates being anywhere near Gryffindor, yet they're sitting next to us." 

"Hey, H," Lyra says, making us all jump. "Weasley, Potter," Lyra greets. "Do y'all know what this is about?" 

"No," we say in unison. 

"Students of Hogwarts!" Professor McGonagall's voice rings out. "The Yule Ball is approaching-a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an oppertunity for us to socialize with out foreign guests. The Yule Ball with only be open to fourth years and above, although you may invite a younger guest if you wish." 

Lavender Brown lets out a shrill giggle. Lavender and her friend look at me. McGonagall ignores them, which I find highly unfair. 

"Dress robes will be worn and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day finishing at midnight in the Great Hall," McGonagall says. 

I look over at Lyra and she's reading a book, completly oblivious to the noise around her. 

"I will be most seriously displeased if any student embarasses Hogwarts in any way." McGonagall says. "Dissmissed." 

I get up with Ron and Hermione. "Potter, Thorne, Diggory, a word if you please," All the other students are filing out and I doubt Lyra even hear McGonagall. 

Malfoy gives Lyra a light shove towards where Cedric and I are waiting with McGonagall. 

"Do that again, Malfoy, and I'll hex you," Lyra threatens as Malfoy leaves. Lyra pockets her book in her robes. 

"You wanted to see us, professor?" Cedric says. 

"Yes," McGonagall say. "The Champions and their partners-" 

"Whoa, what partners," Lyra interupts. 

McGonagall looks at Lyra with a funny face. "Your partners for the Yule Ball," she says. "Dance partners." 

"With all due respect, I don't  dance. I didn't sign up for Hogwarts to dance," Lyra says, eyes narrowed. "Actually, now that I think about it, I didn't even sign up." McGonagall gives her a cold stare. "Please continue." Lyra says. 

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