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Hey guys! I just realize that the age makes no sense. So they get their Hogwart's acceptance letters when they are fourteen and when Ria came to Hogwart's in fourth year, she had turned eighteen already. On with the story and sorry for any confusion! 

Draco Malfoy POV

Ria arrives half an hour after Ace's 'visit'. 

"Did Ace come here?" Ria asks after she takes a look at me. 

"Yes," I say. 

Ria laughs. "That bastard," Ria says. "I told him you had the Weasley's 'brother' talk and the last time he 'talked' to somebody, they were bloody beaten up." 

I raise my eyes in amusement. Ria sits next to me on the couch and studies me. "You have your mind stuck on something," Ria says. "What is it?" 

Well, really, it's two things. "I want to become an Auror," I tell Ria. "The only problem is I have the Dark Mark." 

"Maybe I can get Harry to get a good word for you. You've changed alot," Ria says. 

I recall Ace's words. She's had her heart broken too many times

Ria Potter POV


"Holy shit, have you seen Witch Weekly?" Draco asks me, plopping the magazine in front of me. We're nearing our last days at Hogwarts. 

Top five Seekers of the Century

5. Draco Malfoy

Yes, this Slytherin is one of the best Seekers of his time. The heir to the most wealthy family in the Muggle world and the Wizarding World, this Seeker has a promising spot in some of the top Quidditch teams, should he wish to pursue this careeer. 

4. James Potter

Though this Potter's deceased, he brought the Gryffindor team to glory after beating the Ravenclaw's streak of winning in his second year. 

3. Viktor Krum

This Bulgarian Seeker is one of the best, ending the famous Quidditch match of 1994, the match where he caught the Snitch, but Ireland still won by ten points. He pulled the Wronski Feint more than once, and he's bringing the Bulgarian team to the next World Cup. 

2. Ginerva Potter

The Potters are renouned Seekers, but before she was a Potter, she was a Weasley. Yes, she may not be a Seeker, but she's an amazing Chaser. Watch out, Keepers! During the time when Harry Potter was banned from Quidditch, she lead the Gryffindor team to win. 

1. Lyria and Harry Potter

These twins are the best Seekers of the Century. Children of the late James and Lily Potter, you'd better watch out for this power duo. Harry Potter led his team to victory for four years, followed by Ginny Potter for one year. However, Lyria Potter led Slytherin to many victories this year and Slytherin has gone undefeated this year. 

"Yay, you made top five Seekers," I said, not getting the point. 

"Seekers? What," Draco asks, grabbing the magazine from me. "No, I meant the other article," Draco says. 

I take the magazine back and start reading. 

It's the Article you've all been waiting for, Witch Weekly's top five Couples of the Decade! 

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