Chapter 1 : Part 2

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"Time to wake up Jessie"

A voice that sounded so familiar flooded my ears making me open my eyes only to be met with darkness. I took the opportunity to look at the clock on the side of my bed 8:34am.

I jumped up remembering where i was and how i got there "So it wasn't a dream" i said out loud to no one in particular.

"Jessie" a voice said scaring me enough to make my heart stop in chest for a second.

It was the nurse from last night looking at me with her piercing blue eyes . I noticed that she was wearing a face mask and had on a shrubs with bunnies on them , then my mind started to wonder to my mom who also wore shrubs when she goes to mom

"Where is my mom and where am i ?" i blurted out , the nurse looked unfazed by questions and just chuckled before saying "You're in a safe place hun we are just taking care of you" i didn't buy it for a second.

"And my mom where is she?" The nurse just ignored my question and looked at me menacingly before clearing her throat saying one last thing before heading out the door " We can't help you if you don't let us Jessie , you'll be fine soon just be careful of the hysteria going around"


After the nurse left i started to try and escape the prison of the room i was held in. I could feel my body move again which was such a relief compared to the other day or night i couldn't even move my body.

I started to scan the room for anything that could be useful to helping me break out if this place. Going through cabinets along the walls and opening the doors i could find unlocked did nothing in my search to help me escape.

Giving up was my last resort and i was about to do until i heard that familiar voice again.

"Come here"

I looked around the room until i seen a small hidden door behind a poster. I was about to open it until i realized it that is was locked that's when the voice spoke again.

"Don't open that yet Jessie"

I was about to be a smart ass and say it was locked until i turned around only to see a girl there.

The girl looked about my age and I'm 16 , she has blonde hair and pale skin she also looks as if she's sick and has on a night gown similar to mine except hers was red with white stripes while mine is blue with yellow stripes.

"W-Who are you?" I asked in a shaky voice hoping the girl would reply.

But i got nothing except for the words "you've been chosen" to leave her mouth before disappearing into thin air.

Maybe I'm just imagining things i thought as i made my way back to the bed sitting down thinking about my family especially my mom.

I feel horrible about what i said to her i just hope i can get out of here alive so i can tell her I'm sorry and that i love her. She's the only person who hasn't turned on me even when we argued she still had my back "My please find me" i said just as the tears cascaded down my face onto my clothes staining them with droplets.

Memories of me and my mother started to flash through my mind i couldn't help but smile and laugh remembering all the times we had just enjoying each other's company.

But that was before Him.

I tried to push the memories containing him out my mind this is all his fault.

Just as i was about to move from my current position on the side of the bed my ears were met with agonized screaming from out side the door. I rushed to the door making sure to trip and started banging on the door screaming "HEY CAN SOMEONE HEAR ME HELP" but as soon as i said that the screaming stopped and it was silent.      


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