Chapter 2 : Part 1

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I continued to listen on the other side of the door waiting for a response but nothing happened after 5 minutes of complete silence I was about to give up and go back to finding a way out. 

The banging on my door was loud enough to to make me jump and trip on my ass. Without any hesitation I grabbed the closest thing next to me which happened to be a needle on the ground.

I positioned my self in front of the door my hands were shaking while sweat dropped down my forehead waiting for whatever that was out there to barge in and try to attack me.

Then suddenly the door started to shake and scratching noises was heard from the other side my blood ran cold with fear but I couldn't let whatever that was on the other side of the door kill I'm not going down without a fight.


I stumbled back farther hearing the beast make such a loud noise but I notice the scratching and shaking stopped. I was frozen struck by fear that I couldn't even move I stood lifeless until I heard the door unlock.

I tried to get my body to move to do something but nothing happened and it just made my heart race . My eyes shifted towards the door waiting for whatever it was to walk in silently praying that it would be a quick death.

But it never opened.

I stood there for about a few more minutes putting all my thoughts together trying to wrap my head around this madness before finally getting my body to move closer to the door.

I walked slowly expecting something to barge in but it was silent too silent. The final step to the door made me hesitant I wondered about what would happen if I opened the door.

"Will I die?"
"What's out there?"
"Where is my mom?"

All these questions I had in my my head but no answers unless I open the door then maybe I could find a way out of this place and go back home with my mom and be a family.

Just as I was about to open the door I could hear the echoing of footsteps coming my way I bolted to the bed and hid the needle under the mattress before getting in the bed just in time before the nurse walked in with a puzzled look on her face.

The room was a mess from me looking for a way out or a weapon to use and that reminds me of the girl I seen earlier and what she said about the door and how about how I can't open it yet. I wanted to ask the nurse but I somehow knew she wouldn't tell me anything.

"Hey Nurse wh-"

I stopped when I seen her with a syringe in hand with more of that liquid from before.

"Yes Jessie , What is it?" She smiled at me.

"N-Nothing" I let her grab my arm but I really wanted to attack her.

I watched the syringe get closer to my skin before speaking up nervously.

"What's begins that locked door ?" I gesture across the room nervously

She looked and seen that the poster was taken down. She did nothing but stare intently at the door and her grip on my arm was getting tighter each second.

It wasn't until I grunted in pain did she release her grip a little bit but she still kept a firm hold on me and in one swift motion she looked at me with a poker face I couldn't read but I could tell she was worried and angry.

"Jessie"  was all she said before driving the syringe with the suspicious into my arm.

I screamed out from the pain of the needle going into my skin and because her grip on my arm grew unbearable.

"You know Jessie curiosity killed the cat" I looked her in the eyes despite wanting to cry.

"If you keep snooping around you just might find yourself in that situation and you may not only get killed but something worse may even happen to you" she smiled after she said that but I couldn't really tell since my eyes were starting droop even though I tried to keep them open.

"Goodnight Jessie" was the last thing I heard before going unconscious....


3 years ago.....

"Hey honey I want you to meet someone , His name is Dave and he owns an automotive shop in town and he's coming over for dinner"

I sighed knowing this is the 4th guy my mom has brought home in the last 6 months but I never seen her so happy she's always smiling now compared to the last 3.

"Sure mom I can't wait to meet him " I faked smiled after saying that to keep from ruining my moms spirit.

Ever since dad left mom has been trying to find a replacement for him , I really don't want a replacement dad I believe it's mom trying to get over dads affair.

Both of my parents are pretty shitty at this point .

"Jessie" come help set the table he'll be here any moment

I jumped out of my thoughts putting on a fácade of a smile for my mother's sake I know she has it hard after getting another job but I wished she wouldn't get with all these guys.

Great let this evening begin hopefully it's over sooner than later. I heard them walking into the dining area.

"Hey Jessie . this is Dave and Dave this is my Daughter Jessie"

I looked up from the table in shock this guy could be my dad's twin if he only had a mustache and green eyes instead of his blue ones. I looked at my mom and she looked crazed looking at Dave.

Dave reaches out his hand "Hey Jessie nice to meet you".

Regaining my senses I reached out mine to shake his "likewise" i lied through my teeth.

And that's how that Jackass came and ruined my life.
*Flashback Over*

Present time...

I groaned wincing at the pain when I moved my arm opening my eyes slowly to a clean room . I jolted and looked under the mattress for the needle and it was gone along the poster that covered the door instead there was a giant wardrobe over it.

I cursed and laid back down not even bothering to figure out the time. I'm never leaving here I cried silently to myself until I drifted back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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