Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat III

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don't forget to vote my man.

The unmistakable sound of a car rolling on gravel is heard as a lone police car pulls into a driveway. Turning the engine off and exiting the vehicle, Callahan and Powell climb the few steps to knock on Hopper's door.

Peering in the window as they ascend the staircase, Callahan whispers a muttered, "Whoa."

He knocks on the door multiple times then announces out loud, "Hey, Chief!" He receives no response and continues knocking, "Hello?" The door suddenly opens, "Whoa!"

Hopper opens the door abruptly, looking... like shit. He wears a stained henley shirt that was previously coated in sweat, his hair is dishevelled and he has his gun in his hand. He sees them and closes the door behind him, speaking outside of the house.

Powell looks at him, "Jesus, Chief. You all right?"

He disregards the question completely, "What are you doing here?"

"We tried calling, but--"

The Chief cuts him off, "Yeah, the phone's dead."

They all pause until Callahan hesitantly speaks again, "Hey, so Bev Mooney came in this morning all upset. Said that Dale and Henry went hunting yesterday... and they didn't come back home."

Powell continues, "She thought they were on another binger, but she's not so sure now."

Callahan nods, turning to Hopper, "I think this whole Will Byers thing has everybody on edge."

"Where was this?"

"It was at the station."

Hopper becomes more adamant, "No, no. Where did Henry and Dale go hunting?"

Callahan thinks for a second, "Oh. Uh, out near Kerley."


Powell gives him a face, "What?"

Hopper doesn't respond, "Okay. You go back to the station. I'll take care of this, all right?" He makes a move towards the door.

Callahan looks at him doubtfully, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, leave it." He opens the door.

The brown-haired officer seems to remember something, "Oh, hey. Uh, they found Barbara's car."

"What?" Hopper steps back outside.

Powell inputs, "Barbara Holland's car. Seems she ran away after all. Staties found it late last night at a bus station."

Callahan continues, "Funny, right? They keep doing our job for us."

Hopper nods and chuckles, an unnerving smile on his face, "Yeah. It's funny." He opens the door and closes it behind him.

The two officers look at each other before getting in the car. Callahan gets in the passenger seat, "Is he off his meds again?"

Powell turns the engine on, replying to his partner's question. "He's been spending too much time with Joyce Byers. That's what I think."

The car pulls out of the driveway.


Lonnie hammers a nail, dangerously close to his hand, on a piece of wood. Upon closer inspection, he seems to be nailing pieces on top of the hole that Joyce used an axe to hack into last night.

Joyce enters the living room, cigarette in hand. She sighs, "What are you doing?"

He gestures to the wall with an incredulous tone, "What does it look like I'm doing? You want to freeze to death all winter?"

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