1 ⇢ super spicy hot

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You groaned, sun in your eyes as you rolled over in your bed. "Why is Florida so sunny..." You reluctantly got out of bed and walked into your new partially decorated bathroom, undressing and ditching your pajamas in some corner. You turned on the warm shower and step inside, washing your body thoroughly.

You stood in the shower, body no longer soapy yet still warm and wet. You couldn't help but think about the past. Albert...your friendship was strong and lasted a good 3 or 4 years before he moved away. You had zero contact since you both just went over to each other's houses.

Damn, you had a crush on him back then. I mean...if he was hot back then he must be hot now. 

"G- AH!" You yelped, feeling the water go from hot to cold in an instant. You stepped out of the shower, wrapping a nearby towel around yourself. Feet still wet, you walked into your bedroom and got dressed. 

(You're wearing this

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(You're wearing this...or whatever you want.)

You grabbed your house keys and stepped outside, aimlessly walking around your new city. 

You spotted a skatepark and playground combo and decided to chill out at the skatepark. As you walked, you couldn't help but think about Albert. He had skated and last you checked he lived in Florida. Maybe-

You stopped thinking once you bumped into someone, their strong arms stopping you dead in your tracks, damn near crushing your arms. 

"Woah..." The person said, not yet letting you go. "Be careful around-" 

You looked up, eyes widening almost immediately. "Holy shit, Albert?" Albert stared at you, shock evident on his face. "(Y/N)?"  He said, his voice much more deeper than you remembered all those years ago. You blinked at him, taking in his now older appearance. He did look 10x better than before

"Oh my god," He chuckled, releasing your arms. He stopped to look away before turning back toward you, checking to see if this was real. "It's been so long. I mean-" He stopped mid-sentence to giggle at himself, blinking at you. "You look good."

"Me? You look hot, I mean, good." His eyes widened as he ran a hand through his hair, pink blush tinting his cheeks at your remark. "Yeah? Well, it's so nice to see you." He grinned as a man with brown hair and a bit of a beard approached you two, you remembered him as your mutual friend, Jake. "Jake, too? How are you doing?" You said, smiling as your two childhood best friends that you thought you would never see again stood in front of you. Jake's eyes widened as he spotted you, a smile stretching across his face. "I'm doing good. It's been, what, 6 years?" 

Albert cleared his throat, eyeing you and Jake. "How about, we finish catching up at my place?" 

You nodded excitedly, nearly jumping up and down at the offer. "You have no idea how much I missed you guys."

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