Something Learned

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2 days. 2 VERY long days Rosette was out after the whole raider incident. Nick, despite being a VERY busy detective, never left his lover's side. He couldn't bring himself to... it caused the synth to worry, and not be able think straight. His metalic hand carefully and gently held hers. He hadn't made his way back to Diamond City... and knew that he would never hear the end of it from his secretary, Ellie Perkins. But with the chance that he could lose the woman that changed his synthetic life for the better, he needed to be here in Sanctuary for Rose. Sure the possibility of Rosette dying from this one gunshot to her abdomen was slim to none, but medical treatment wasn't like it was 200 years ago. Infection was at a higher risk, and so were people always trying to find more leathal and painful ways to kill. The moment Rosette was shot, Nick couldn't help but remember Jenny... how she was shot and ultimately killed. He felt like the original Nick Valentine when his girl was shot and killed. Sure, Rose wasn't dead but it was still quite a uncanny feeling and incident. In Rosette and Jennifer were very similar. Both girls fell in love with a detective named Nick Valentine. Both girls have blonde hair hair. Both girls have blue eyes. Both girls were tall. Both girls were kind and gentle. Both girls were smart. Both girls had some sort of accent. Jenny having a southern accent while Rosette had a French accent. The fact that the women were similar didn't help the relationship not feel uncanny. The relationship between Nick and Rose was VERY uncanny. As if time had somehow looped and feelings repeated. But despite the uncanny feeling and similar relationship, Nick did not associate his love life with Rosette with the love life the original Nick Valentine had with his Jennifer Lands. As Nick kept worrying about Rose while lost in his thoughts of how eerily similar this shooting was to Jennifer, Rosette cracked her eyes and let out a slight quiet moan. She took a moment to fully open her eyes and a moment to look around the room to gather her surroundings. Rose noticed Nick staring at her, holding her hand. She finally opened her mouth to speak, and felt how dry her lips, mouth and throat were. Though it would probably be uncomfortable to speak or move here lips, Rose spoke with a groggy and weak voice. "N-Nick...?" a hint of pain in her voice. Nick didn't seem to move or notice that Rose had awoken. She blinked and spoke again. "N-Nicky?". There was a hint of worry with her painful tone. Nick finally moved. He shook his head and blinked "Hmm?". Nick looked at Rosette. A quick scan. "Awake. She's awake!" Nick thought before he carefully hugged Rose. "Thank God you're alright Doll! I thought I lost you for good for a moment!" He cried out, sounding relieved. Rose weakly wrapped her arms around Nick's waist, returning the hug. "I-I'm so sorry Nicky... T-That was s-stupid of me to yell at r-raiders...". Nick nodded, yelling slightly this time, his voice sounded as he were going to cry, even though it's impossible for gen 2 synths to cry. "Very! You could have gotten yourself killed Doll! You could have left everyone who loves you behind!". Rosette teared up upon hearing Nick yell at her. Not because he yelled at her but he was completely right. She was quiet as her tears rolled. A sigh escaped Nick's synthetic lips as he let Rose go from the hug and grabbed her hand again, this time rubbing her hand with his thumb. "Doll... I'm-" he begun to speak before being cut off by Rose. "D-Don't be. I-It's not your fault... y-you have every right to be mad...". Nick was quiet for a moment, needing to think of what he was going to say. Once he had an idea, he attempted to calmly speak. "Just... please be careful for now on Doll. I don't wanna lose you...". Rose noticed something with Nick. Liquid running from his eyes. It looked like he was crying. It was assumed to be impossible for gen 2 synths to cry, they're gen 2 synths. Not human and not gen 3 synths. Rose had to tell Nick about the liquid. And that once she was healed and gained her strength back, she could check for any problems. Though... that would mean explaining to Nick how she knows the antimony of a synth and how she knows how to repair. Sure it was a secret she hoped to keep until she died, as it could make her been seen as a bad person. Someone who is dangerous. But Rose knew she could tell Nick and his view on her wouldn't change. So, with a deep and shaky breath, Rose admitted to Nick. "H-Hey hun... y-you have liquid coming from your eyes. Looks like crying. I-I think I-I should check t-that out when I'm h-healed...". Nick put a couple of his synthetic fingers under his eye and could feel like liquid she was talking about. "Odd. Yeah. I'm just going to say I'm curious though. How could you repair any issues if you haven't gotten close to a synth or repaired one?". Another deep breath. "W-Well... that... that's not true... I-I lied about that.... It's something I hoped to keep secret forever.... I... uh... used to work in the Institute... building, programming, repairing and dismantling synths... gen 2 to be specific... I did that for 5 years before I decided to escape... I-I assume they gave up looking for me, since I haven't seen anyone in a few years... I'm Sorry I didn't say anything sooner... I... I don't wanna be seen as a bad person or someone whose dangerous...." Nick shook his head, surprised with what Rose just admitted. "No... Doll... I know you're far from dangerous... you're a good person. Very good. I wouldn't see you to be dangerous or bad. Expecially since I'm from the Institute. I'm not a dangerous synth.... I help people who need it. Sure everyone is scared of me but I'm not a synth built for trouble... just because you worked at the Institute, doesn't change the type of person you are. It never will. Honestly Doll, it's great to know you have experience with gen 2 synths because it's hard to find someone who knows how to properly repair synths and aren't afraid. I'd say I'd do it myself but it isn't easy... so thank you for offering to take a look and do any repairs necessary". Rose smiled softly "Y-You're welcome". Nick  moved his synthetic hand to Rosette's hair and begun to stroke her hair. "Rest up now. I'm not going anywhere...". With a nod, Rosette moved her pillows to sit up before leaning back against the pillows. She grabbed her book, Fever, and began to read it. Happily.

6 days Rosette was limited on activities. With Nick's help, she did get to go outside on beautiful sunny days, along with move to the couch and even the kitchen to bake once. Her wound was recovering and showing no sign of infection. She was becoming able to move on her own. On the 6th day, her wound had become a scar. Not infected either. Rose noticed this and immediately jumped out of bed, got dressed and excitedly rushed to Nick, who was actually in the kitchen making what seemed to be breakfast for Rosette. "Hey hon. Guess what?!" She chirped. Nick chuckled, "What?". Rose eagarly admitted "My wound scarred up!". Rose was a rather active person. She liked doing things. Being busy. The time Rosette was limited to certain things because of the wound and how it took some time to regain her strength. Nick replied with a smile, his sweet and innocent smile. "That's great news. I'm sure you can't wait to get back to being busy." Rose shook her head. "Nope. And I will start with a look at you. Remember the whole leak thing?". Nick placed the food on a plate and set it on the table. "Well start with breakfast. Can't and shouldn't work on an empty stomach Doll." Rosette nodded as she sat down. "Can't disagree there." She hummed before beginning to eat. Delicious. It was some of the best food Rose had had in a while. She left no scraps. Mainly because she was quite hungry but also because Nick made her food again. She didn't want to leave anything behind. Standing up, Rose picked up her dishes and put them in the sink. "Alright Nick. You ready?". Nick nodded. "Yep. Lead the way Doll." Rose brought Nick back to her room and sat him on her bed before going to grab the tools she would need to make repairs on her Nick if necessary.  To start, she would have to remove the skin on his face to see if there was damage, since the concern was his eyes. "Mind if I remove the skin on your face? It'll be something I can replace back on." Rose asked, feeling the need to ask before doing. Nick nodded. "Do as you need Doll. I trust you.". Rose replied with "Alright." before she removed his skin. A relatively intact skull. She didn't see anything missing. Grabbing her small flashlight, Rose turned it on and shined it under his left eye. There was something she hadn't seen in a synth before. "Hey Nick. Hate to ask you but can you imagine something bad happened to me? I wanna test something. Nick didn't reply but he did reluctantly imagine that Rose had been killed. Like the day she woke up, liquid began to leak... but not from a malfunction or any damage. Rose quickly looked at the other eye. No damn or malfunction. "Huh.... is this part for crying? I've never seen it in gen 2 synths. It's gotta be. I don't see anything wrong..." she mumbled, confused. With a second glance, Rose determined an answer. She cleaned  up everywhere the liquid touched before replacing the skin. "Nothing. Turns out you have some sort of tear ducts. Probably something you got because you're a prototype." Rose set her flashlight down after turning it off. "Now that's something I have never seen. A synth with the ability to cry. Pretty cool" she smiled. "The ability to cry huh? Interesting" Nick thought before he asked Rose "Do I owe you anything?". Rose put her pointer finger to her lips, pretending to think with a small smile.  "Mmmmm yeah. One kiss please?" She chuckled. Nick chuckled as well. "Deal" he spoke before kissing her. Not once. Not twice. But three times. Rosette blinked as Nick spoke, with his lips just hovering over hers. "Just a tip. You deserve it" he hummed happily. Rose smiled and mumbled "I won't complain." Before resting her forehead on his, trying to ignore the lust for more. "I love you so much" Rose hummed again.  Nick replied "I love you too doll."

Author's Note:

I AM SO SORRY THIS WAS SUCH A LONG WAIT! And that this sucks. But hey I did it!

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