The Riff Raff ~The Forgotten Animatronics~

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Chica prodded Bonnie softly. "Psssst Bonnie, you awake?" She whispered. "Mmmhmm." He whirred in response. "I am now." "How's your voice?" Chica asked. "Can't complain, seem to be missing a jaw or too but apart from that I'm fine." "Oh Bonnie, you lose your face and your still as sassy as ever. The door clicked open and Chica turned in horror. There in the doorway was Chica, the fake one. "Look what I found on my cupcake this morning." She said obnoxiously spinning a keyring of keys around her finger. "That sounds like a euphemism." Bonnie whispered, causing Chica to laugh. "Oh hilarious." Toy Chica retorted. "Why don't you say that to my face, oh that's right. You'd get jealous that I actually have one." "Leave him alone!" Chica hissed. "OK then, you asked for it." Toy Chica replied, moving towards Chica. "Do remind me, why is your jaw so stretched, was it too fit more pizza in your mouth or was it to pull out your internal organs for a prettier, younger model?" She stepped back proudly and Chica whimpered. "Oh don't listen to her Chica." "Oh don't you have a gob on you? Oh that's right, you don't." Toy Chica said right in Bonnie's 'face' "Wow." Bonnie replied sassily. "You feel that sick burn Chica? Felt like a hairdryer at most." Toy Chica kicked bonnie in the leg before getting up and walking to the door. "Don't get too comfortable you four, I heard the manager talking about fully upgrading us with the old parts, leaving four torn suits to be disposed of and forgotten. Never to know the joy of creation" As she turned to leave something grabbed her foot. It was Freddy. "Joy of creation my ass, you can tell that fake Freddy Fazfuck that I'm coming, and I'd like to thank him for keeping my throne warm while I was away." Toy Chica screamed and kicked him off, sending him sprawling across the floor. Chica and Bonnie both gasped and moved towards him to help as Toy Chica slammed the door and locked it, plunging them into darkness again.

A couple of hours later and Chica decided to go check on Foxy, he was sat drawing one of his many scrawled, confusing drawings. "What're you drawing Foxy?" She asked softly. "Oh hi there lass, I'm drawin' the 'thing'." "The thing?" Chica asked. "I saw a thing, and I know it was important but I don't remember what it was." "Maybe I could help." Chica offered. "I guess." "Okay, hat features do you remember." "Pale yellow, two blue dots on a beige blob." He said, pointing to the drawing that looked like a transvestite potato. "Then bright white and nothing." He carried on, pointing to the picture that Chica thought was a blank piece of paper until she realised Foxy had coloured the whole paper in white. "Okay, I have no idea. Slut Chica's yellow with blue eyes." "No lass, this thing was not a robot, it had a light." "And probably wasn't a narcissistic, vain, obnoxious, bigheaded, tarty, scantily clad..." "OK, OK. I get it lass. Ye' don't like Slut Chica." "Over sized, whore omelette." Chica finished furiously. "Sorry, I just really don't like her whenever she goes near Bonnie, how does she even keep getting the key?" "Have ye' told him yet?" "Told who, what?" "Ye' know who an' ye' know what too." He replied seriously. "I'm the most oblivious of the four of us an' even I see it." "Foxy, I don't know what you're talking about, now I'll leave you to draw your misshapen, make up covered vegetables." She said, hurrying off in a fluster. Foxy turned back to his drawings and sighed. Could it be who he thought, but she was gone. Wasn't she? Him and the others had decided she had moved on and was happy now, which made him happy. But if she'd come back for him, he didn't want to think of the outcome. He sighed and looked down at his other drawing, one of a white female fox wearing a long white dress and tiara as well as make up and smiling. Her hands floated daintily around her, laden with lace gloves and her topaz eyes batted their eyelashes at him. He sighed and turned away.

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