Unexpected Alliance

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The rest of the day Warren showed me around town. To his favorite anime store, to the record shop, his favorite book store. It was surprisingly fun. He even bought me a stuff animal of a whale to commemorate the day. He is a pretty cool guy. Although a couple of times I could have sworn I saw him reaching for my hand. Could be my imagination though.. Probably. He took us back to Blackwell and gave me a hug before we parted ways. By the time I got back to the courtyard it was already dusk. As I started to walk I saw Nathan in the corner of the boys dorm getting chewed out by this old guy. He had a stern look complimented by his black framed glasses. He was pointing his finger with a raised voice.. I moved a little closer to hear what he was saying. Not that I'm nosy or anything.. "YOUR FAILING NEARLY EVERY CLASS NATHAN. AND I COME HERE TO SEE YOU.. AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING? HANGING WITH YOUR FRIENDS?" Nathan shuffled his legs nervously as he held both of his hands at his side. He looked like a small scared child, wanting to hide. This must be Nathan's infamous father. His father continued to berate him this time at a whisper, "Your not even trying.. You bring shame to the Prescott name. I am ashamed to call you my son." Nathan's eyes began to water as he looked away. I heard an audible smack as his father struck him, "Look at me when I am talking to you." I flinched. As much as Nathan and I don't get along, this was hard to see.. Nathan's father continued, "If this continues I'll take you out of that photography class that you love so much." Nathan's lips began to quiver as his father grabbed Nathan's collar. I cant watch this. I gripped my stuffed animal and took a breath and walked over. "Nathan! I was looking all over for you." Nathan looked at me with shock as his father released him.. I looked at his dad and said, "Sorry to interrupt.. I am Nathan's tutor. He came to me the other day and asked if I could help him.." I looked at Nathan with a raised brow. Nathan nodded, "Yes this y/n. She said she could help me with my grades.." Nathan's father eyed me suspiciously and then said, "And what makes you qualified to help him young lady?" I bit my lip before I spoke.. truth is, I've always had good grades. I never had many friends, so I leaned on my academics to pass the time. I cleared my throat then said, "I had a 4.0 in my previous school and have quite the knowledge with maths and science. If you feel hesitant, feel free to check with Principal Wells to verify my academic background. I completely understand. " Nathan's father relaxed his shoulders and stepped back then looked at his son and said, "Well Nathan, I am glad you are taking what I said seriously. But it still doesn't excuse you gallivanting with your friends." I looked at Nathan and he looked relieved. His jaw loosened and he nodded his head softly. I continued as I gripped my whale even harder, "If you dont mind, Nathan and I have a lesson to go over for his algebra class. Whenever you two are done talking, I'll wait for him at the bench." Nathan looked at me in a pleading way.. wanting me not to go. His father interrupted my thoughts and said, "Nonsense. The sooner he gets to studying, the better. I am going to go have that visit with Principal Wells. I have some things I need to go over with him. Enjoy the studying Nathan. I expect a full report tomorrow on what you went over." Nathan's father walked off leaving us alone. Nathan's head fell as he whispered, "I hope for both of our sakes, you are telling the truth. We'll both be screwed." I laughed and said, "Dont worry.. your father is going to be pleasantly surprised when he sees my GPA." Nathan looked back up with me with a crooked smile. His face was already starting to bruise.. then said, "How much do you I owe you. 100, 150?" I looked at him confused, "I dont want your money, Nathan." He looked back at me with a slight shocked expression then said, "Everybody wants something.. name your price." He adjusted his red jacket then put his hands in his pocket as I sighed, "Fine. My price is you and your friends treat me with decency AND you help me unpack my room." Might as well get something out of this. He looked at me with squinted eyes.. and then said, "I help you with your room. But no promises with my friends. No offense but.. your kind.. well there's a bit of a hierarchy at blackwell and it just so happens that you and your friends are at the bottom. It's just how the world works." I sighed.. whatever. "Fine. It's a deal Prescott." I said as I reached out to shake his hand. He reached out and shook mine then said, "Deal. Now let's get my part of the bargain done and unpack your room. The less time we spend out here, the better. Plus.. I don't want to get caught in your room. Again.. no offense." I looked at him and shook my head. What in the hell did I get myself into?

Nathan Prescott x Reader Found In The Darkness.Where stories live. Discover now