Chapter 5

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At the Lunar Pack tensions were running high.

Leo growled, for three days they have been searching, always coming up with a dead end.

Sitting in his office, he went over every detail presented to him.

The most important fact, was that Keira's mate had something to do with her disappearance.

In all the media feed, taken from cameras in the club, outside the club and along the road towards the hotel, the profile of Keira's mate was always obscured. Even the vehicle he used, was registered as stolen. The name given at the hotel for the booking was under a false name.

But, until they could get a picture or a name, they had no way of knowing where to start.

Even Megan's description was unreliable, she barely remembered any detail.

The Red Moon's sources were unaware that Keira's mate belonged to their pack and had questioned everyone if they might have noticed anything, which was always an affirmative no.

Each day that passed, he could feel his sister's wolf getting weaker. He prayed to the Moon Goddess, that they will find her alive.

He was never going to give up, dead or alive, he will find her and whoever took her will suffer his wrath...that is a promise.

(At the place where Keira is being held)

Selina placed a blanket over the young woman, gathering the supplies, walking out of the room, following the guard towards the pack house, dumping her load along the way.

The guard led her to the Alpha's office, ushering her in with a forceful push. Selina stumbled in, lowering her head in submission, feeling her Alpha's gaze on her, she silently stood there.

"Did you do as I ordered?" His gravelly voice spoke, causing a shiver of fear to run down her spine.

"Yes...Sir." She quietly replied.

"And you better make sure that she is presentable by tomorrow afternoon..." Her Alpha threatened.

Selina flinched, she knew that if she did not do as ordered, her Alpha would whip her until she passed out, it wouldn't be the first time that he had done that, her back was littered with scars.

Nodding her head in agreement, she was instantly dismissed.

The guard following behind her silently, as she gathered fresh new supplies to take with her to the dungeon, where she would have to take care of the young woman in her charge.

Selina was shoved in to the dark room, the door locking behind her, taking the lantern, she placed it near the young woman and then she placed her supplies down.

Sitting down, she gently lifted the young woman's head, placing her head on her lap, while she leaned back against the cold wall, her hand lightly stroking the woman's long hair, wondering why this young woman was not healing at a fast rate like most werewolves and why was she beaten so many questions whirled around in her mind.

Keira jerked awake, instantly regretting it, as her body protested. Feeling a presence nearby, she stiffened, fear paralyzing her.

"It's only me," Selina spoke quietly, placing a comforting hand on the young woman's shoulder, feeling the young woman relax slightly, "What is your name?"

"Keira..." Responding, her mouth feeling dry as a desert, "Can I please have some water...?"

"Of course." Selina replied, helping Keira to sit up and giving her a bit of water, holding the cup to her lips.

"Thank you..." Keira spoke, after taking a few sips, "Was I out for long...?"

"No...Only for an hour." Selina replied.

"Why are you still here?" Keira asked, watching as Selina gazed at the door.

"I have to make sure you are presentable by tomorrow afternoon." She whispered.


Glancing back at the door, Selina moved closer to Keira, whispering, "My Alpha is not a good person, he sells young girls to some unsavoury characters. These people don't mind a few bruises, but you have to be able to stand on your own and be pure."

"What will they do to me...once I am taken there?" Keira asked, her mind thinking of all kinds of scenarios, none of them good.

"You'll be taken into a room, with other girls, there will be cameras, a auction will be held, you will be sold to the highest bidder and after that, arrangements will be made within two or three days to have you transferred to your buyer." Selina replied honestly, still watching the door and whispering.

"So I'm doomed...if my family doesn't find me." Keira stated, closing her eyes in defeat.

Confused, Selina stared at Keira, "What do you mean family?" Her mind filling with even more questions.

"You know...Parents, siblings...big brothers to be specific. The eldest being the Alpha of our pack." Not realising as she spoke, that Selina's eyes had widened with each word she spoke.

Selina jumped up, pacing the confined room, "But...that can't be right, they only take girls who don't have family." She muttered, stopping to glance down at Keira, "What is different about you? Heck...why were you even taken? And...Why aren't you even healing fast enough?" So many questions spilling from her mouth, she didn't even know where to start, this was so out of character for her Alpha to do...

A Precious Claim - Book 1 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now