Chapter 8

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Ryker and a few members of Red Moon, hid in the shadows, hearing the howls of victory. His uncle, the Alpha of Red Moon was a fool and dead.

Knowing they couldn't stay in the vicinity, Ryker silently ordered his followers to get moving, they needed to get away as far as possible and quick. They needed to meet up with their peers, warn them of the downfall of Red Moon. They needed to gather their forces, after all there was a larger picture at stake and this little hitch could not delay their plans for the better of their leaders and future.

Selina had heard the commotion, out of fear, she hid in her closet, hiding beneath a pile of clothes, covering her scent.

"Alpha. We can't find Selina." Seth, his Beta spoke.

"Have you asked around? Checked her room?" Eli queried.

"Yes, Sir." Seth replied, "Her room was empty."

Eli frowned, where could she be? Deciding to check for himself, he followed his Beta towards the direction of Selina's room. Stepping into the small room, his senses on alert, he took a look around.

"Selina...its Eli, you are safe." He spoke loudly.

Hearing Eli's voice, Selina sighed in relief, when she had heard footsteps in her room again, she had feared that she had been caught and that they would find her hiding place.

Eli heard movement towards the cupboard, standing on high alert, only relaxing slightly when the figure stepped out, recognizing Selina, "I thought we had not come in time...' He muttered, gathering a surprised Selina into his arms, giving her a brotherly hug.

Blushing slightly, she hid her face against his chest, "Thank you for coming." She whispered out.

Stepping back, Eli looked down at the young woman, noting that she was pale and thinner, "Why only now?" He asked her, gazing into her blue eyes.

Remembering the reason for Eli being here, Selina gasped, clamping her hand around his wrist, she rushed out, dragging the hapless Alpha behind her.

If it was anyone else that had treated him in this way, they would be dead or punished. But, because this was Selina and she was like a sister to him, he allowed it. Grinning internally at the comical looks they were receiving, as the small woman dragged his large frame across the grounds.

Being focused on her objective, Selina didn't realise what she was doing, "Girls have been kidnapped, brought here and then sold off. It's been happening for awhile. But this time the Alpha had gone too far, there is a shewolf that you need to help." Still dragging Eli towards the underground dungeons.

Hearing the truth about what really happened at Red Moon, Eli stopped abruptly before the entrance to what he assumed was the dungeon.

"Why didn't you come sooner?" He growled out.

"I'm sorry..." Selina stuttered, "There wasn't enough evidence. But this time I couldn't let it pass!" Begging for Eli too believe her.

"Fine...!" Eli muttered, "Just stay behind me, we don't know if there are any guards inside."

Eli slowly opened the large heavy door, his senses and hearing only picking up four heartbeats, "How many captives are in here?" Looking back at Selina.

"Four..." She responded.

"Check the other cells, while I go with Selina." He mind linked Nathan.

"Show me the way, who is this person that finally made you ask for help?" Eli asked, but received no response from her, forcing him to follow a frantic Selina down the long dimly lit hallway.

Rushing towards a door at the far end, Selina quickly opened the door, gasping at the sight before her, "Oh no...!" Running to the figure laying still, gathering Keira into her arms, noting a faint heartbeat, "Keira, wake is here! Please...wake up!" Shaking the limp body in her arms, tears streaming down her face.

"Mine!" A voice boomed out, yanking Keira out of her arms.

A Precious Claim - Book 1 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now