Chapter 14

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Keira was thankful that her mate insisted on a shower and a meal. She couldn't do much about her bruises, but at least she was feeling halfway back to normal.

As they left the bedroom and walked out of what she assumed was the pack house, she became tense, leaning closer to Eli, fear coursing through her.

Sensing his mate's anxiety, Eli stopped, taking Keira into his embrace, "Nobody is going to hurt you, they have been dealt with." He spoke soothingly, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Why are we at Red Moon?" She asked nervously, gripping tightly onto Eli's shirt.

"We received a message, informing us of girls being held captive here at Red Moon, so we attacked, dealing with those involved and saving the girls." Eli informed her truthfully, finally sensing that there was more to Keira's fearful reaction.

"At Red Moon...?" Keira stuttered out, her mind in turmoil.

"Keira...?" Eli spoke quietly, cupping her face gently, gazing into her eyes, "Talk to me..."

Gazing into her mate's eyes, she saw love and concern, "Can I show you instead...?" She asked.

Placing his forehead against hers, He responded gently, "If it will help you."

Sighing in relief, she closed her eyes, opening her memories for her mate, letting him see everything, from the day she came to Red Moon with her brother and meeting her mate, the planning, the secret encounter, the rejection, the abuse, till the moment she woke up in his arms.

Tears streaming down her eyes, as she relived every moment.

"I'm so sorry." Eli spoke gruffly out, placing soft kisses on her face, gently wiping away her tears.

Eli tucked her tighter towards him, cupping her head towards his chest, his chin on top of her head. Closing his eyes tightly, taking in her scent, too calm his wolf. His mate had suffered so much in such a short period, he wished that he could have been here earlier, too protect her.

They stood there for a few moments, holding and supporting each other.

Eli felt Keira go lax in his arms, realising that she had fallen asleep, it was to be expected, after everything she has been through, and she was still healing. Scooping her into his arms, he made his way out of the pack house, towards the SUV.

"Is everything alright, Alpha?" Seth asked, as he opened the backseat door for his Alpha and Luna.

"We will talk on the ride. Is everyone ready?" Eli asked, as he climbed into the vehicle, keeping Keira in his lap.

"Yes Sir." Seth stated, as he closed the door, making his way to the driver's side, giving out orders as he went.

Nathan sat in the passenger side and the warriors that would accompany them, followed in another vehicle.

As they made their way out of Red Moon towards Lunar Pack, Eli relayed everything that Keira had shown him too his Beta and Lead Warrior.

While she slept soundly in his arms, exhausted from her emotional breakdown.

A Precious Claim - Book 1 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now